The Bots That Dont Get Banned Quick Enough OSRS
May 23 2024 OS Runescape Gold
SparcMac: Thank you for your service vs the bot armies
gzmane6741: That’s why I think people who chase ranks on highscores just wasting their time cause jagex can’t even keep up with the bots and the bots over run the highscores when they made the lvl 3 high scores so many lvl3...
BOT BUSTING Livestream! OSRS Livestream May 17th
May 21 2024 OS Runescape Gold
cullen4925: Why wasn’t this announced more??? How is it 3 days later and I’m just hearing about this
TheDeepestRed: Just came back to the game after a 10 year hiatus, the nostalgia and game is still great. Thank you guys for continuing to improve the game, keep it up!
May 21 2024 OS Runescape Gold
ironsightsmcgillycudy7753: If you wanna go in the mole's hole you need to pay the wiki toll
randomunlistedvids: "Like a real iron man" gets a brew delivery service. You really need to watch some Ironman series to so you can truly learn the...
Barrows is so EASY now Osrs Ironman Episode 37
May 20 2024 OS Runescape Gold
TacettheTerror: Doing the final stretch for maxing on my HCIM and would 100% go mahogany. After doing Mahogany Homes with mahogany you never go back. A lot of ways to lower plank cost these days as well.
PivotBanq: Just use super compost for seaweed, I only use ultra for trees or h...
The new OSRS Thieving method no one is talking about
May 18 2024 OS Runescape Gold
Spookdog: seeing you open clue caskets feels wrong. put them back
UIM_Loki: bro the math breakdown put my brain into a state of bliss, sick vid
Mmorpg The 2024 OSRS Ironman Bank Video
May 18 2024 OS Runescape Gold
Magic_dawn: Always had respect for Curtis, he's always willing to answer questions and doesn't act like an elitist like a lot of other known players.
ohokok: im about halfway thru the video but i would LOVE to see your banked xp via the runelite plugin for each skill
tj1166: I j...
Jagex Busts Bots On Stream Live! DMM Dates Announced, Scotty Gets OSRS Worl...
May 18 2024 OS Runescape Gold
KittyCatnap: Bot busting feeds the soul.
If you lost your 1000 hour main, because you were stupid, good.
S_p_3_c: lmao dude got bot busted and has a pking clip prob ahker
mrrace6318: The bot stream did nothing to help the botting issue. Only killing the odd rev bot which has alr...
Best AFK Money Maker on OSRS 0 to 2B from Scratch 6
May 18 2024 OS Runescape Gold
JRMR7: the fact that ppl in melee dh are willing to fight a guy with a buffed up msb into double korasi combo is beyond me ngl
_vincent_williem_van_gogh_1780: No
nancy-uo4ib: What an incredible video presentation!
NotFinalTillVinyl: Have you tried using the new cooked moonlight...
WIKI GUIDES - Corporeal Beast (OSRS)
May 16 2024 OS Runescape Gold
jimmy13morrison: Mr monkey isn't resepecting the spirit of the wiki he should brew down to the minimum stats recommandation
SymmRTA: yo whoever put the final fantasy x cloister of trials music in the background thanks for the ptsd
XxSupaBAMxX: Interested to see what the copers h...
This is INSANE for Medium Clues | UIM Collection Log Completionist (#26) [OSRS]
May 16 2024 OS Runescape Gold
gianniciotti4783: You need to get the stronghold security boots, filling that slot in the dresser would be JUICY
Eskii_NZL: Just curious as to why you have not done the lumby elite diary yet to save a inventory space and get rid of that staff? Is it not obtainable on a max uim?
I Killed OSRS's Biggest Predator
May 15 2024 OS Runescape Gold
lucasm8528: I wanted to skip through the find the McCune clip, all I had to do was look for the guy standing in full mage taking multiple hits off prayer
Beyond_00: seen the title thought u killed rot XD
239Loki-TutLoki: I killed mccune once on a phone in py
dilliondantin: I've ...
NEW Busted Skilling Updates Across OSRS | Project Rebalance Exploration
May 15 2024 OS Runescape Gold
dylantrout3477: Hate when maxed players wanna drag the whole game down by keeping stuff so slow and boring. Jagex please keep it up.
FyerBear: Bro the disappearing scream had me rolling
MacGuffin1234: Makes no sense why you should get herbs from brimhaven agility in the first plac...
OSRS Combat \Skilling Are Changing Forever
May 14 2024 OS Runescape Gold
kevinoh5704: Osrs is the best game ever
kingjaries: Since I AFK big time, I think that the aggression potion will be a great addition for me.
rjramos33: Honestly, shoutout to all the OSRS content creators because it is thanks to you all that a lot of these changes happen. You all ...
OSRS Updates, Race to 100 Beavers, Double Twisted Bow, High Risk Fights, \More!
May 14 2024 OS Runescape Gold
rosi7309: is anyone else here because of the shots fired that soy duro said against chronicles
Wotansfogal: Purespam looking like Elrond with that 5head lmao
jordanclarxon6246: Huge gz to Rigondeaux , that infernal attempt was insane
scater287: Started watching this channel a cou...
UPDATED Quick Guide to The Mage Training Arena in OSRS
May 13 2024 OS Runescape Gold
YoutubeAddict23: Thanks for getting this out quickly bro!
dznxan: Just punched my wall I finished bones to peaches 4 days before this update (:
ShawnBlaque: Dude I've been waiting for this since I heard about the update! Thanks for making it so quick
runescapeguides: Perfect tim...
May 12 2024 OS Runescape Gold
randomunlistedvids: I don't have the fishing level for anglers. Maybe do a guide without such high level fishing supplies?
8dolfonrunescape: If you had to teleport out because you are struggling with manual casting while pray flicking it is just a skill issue. Perhaps you should p...
The Hardest Boss in OSRS | Iron Mammal Progress 198
May 12 2024 OS Runescape Gold
wishdeus: It wasn't technically your 54th attempt who knows how many times you accidentally started the awakened doing the regular grind
demo7421: Went and watched the guide you mentioned to get a better idea, this looks insanely hard lmfao, huge gratz!
Saplingbat: Congrats on bl...
These Are Runescape's Biggest Noob Traps [OSRS]
May 11 2024 OS Runescape Gold
AustinsThicc: Why you gotta come for me like that? “Scared of raids because you actually have to talk to people”
Xphoenix7X: Wtf, my guy got a haircut mid video, efficient
collwyr: The Seers agility method is pretty darn misleading in this, considering you wouldn't have the s...