JPharmaceuticals: NO!!!!! Priff was the best AFK fishing spot! Why did they patch this?! Its been like that forever... Yet we have house agility methods....
jp-cb8wc: Dude Jagex is so petty for patching these easy training methods.
Defylaws: We all needed this
jlutz57: Just a heads up Theo, the Prif fishing spot supposedly gets patched everytime there's an update, but not its fixed a day or so. Currently testing it now and it has not moved in 20 invs. Otherwise, eels are still a solid spot keep up the good stuff!
gustavoabreu7528: Honestly, just for the first fishing spot this guy already deserves a sub
8500Dansta: Anyone else had to listen twice when my man started mentioning "Irit'Tar"s ?
mgm90445: Rs players are a different breed, trying so hard to find ways to not play a game
andrewevans7992: What happened to your main channel?
Turoksar: Respect for not using Smooth Animations
LucksackGames: Love afk
Ezpz_69: Thank you sir.
Aug 13 2024