Sharkweed: U could do like your community versus skill Specs community 200 players in each cc and u both have to shotcall and have a backup shotcaller
minime1988: The multi and pking space in general is filled with the worst scum in the game and it has been that way for a long time so I don't think that will change for a while unless Jagex wants it to change.
kilianpgordon: Oda don’t forget about your f2p pkerz holding it down. A lot of us put our big boy pants on and grow up to be p2p pkerz. It is easier to begin with low cost f2p then blossom like a mithril seed when we are more comfortable.
darkphase90: I honestly miss pre eoc pking, back before bridding came out where if you threw any overheads on you was scum. Those were the good old days of pking imo
danyo6938: That's actually HYPE . I would actually be down to join this.
I haven't played for checks last login
SparkyisHot: hadi milking rot
KillBill6040: we won
kenedi987: a PvP tournament for clans to fight eachother in a fair way would be really cool, maybe something in castle wars?
BearGrillzRS: oda the generous, strikes again
kingocowata: Clan Wars and clan Castle Wars was peak 2004-2005 RS
rickzoo6875: Living in rots head rent free
Aug 09 2024