feinted: I wonder if he talks like this irl
kiraangle2823: Firemaking is weird, its like the skills only use is questing requirements and doing wintertodt, at least hunter has imps, chinchampas and herbiboars
valentino2137: When he said "When you buy bonds", gtfo with that Bs.
dwayneneumann2158: First
SuperJibulus: Crystal singing for smithing and crafting if you have infinite money
damianmoloney9412: Great video mate keep it up
hemmoau: Shocks me that mains actually buy bonds for skilling resources. I can MAYBE understand buying yourself a set of bandos or something but it just seems to defeat the point of playing/grinding to begin with. Iron btw.
Axely: these are the regular way of "fastest" you could be combining eternal boots for fastest rc xp and etc xd
Mobile_Nooby: Awesome how do u do runecrafting fast?
trueh8: Got 99 fm at 376kc at wintertodt
elfstank: Lmfao if you buy bonds smh
Aug 15 2024