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The BEST AFK Methods In OSRS 2024 New Updates

TabbuEme: OSRS players on their way to not play their game

lob-119: My favorite AFK training method is bank standing. Its horrible XP but its extremely AFK. RSN: LOB-119

elfabri666: I will never understand why a less than a minute method is considered AFK haha

abagofbees: Sulphur Naguas are such a sleeper melee training method. Absolutely love them. Fun fact: it's not just the sulphur blades that have the extra damage! It's due to their negative flat armor, so weapons like Torag's hammers and dual macuahuitls also gain 4 damage per hit, 8 total per swing.

RagedmeeksGaming: Plank make is Dream Mentor, not Lunar Diplomacy.

UhmFastKo: I think you should have added calcified rocks to mining. Its more afk than daeyalt, you get 40-50k xp/hr and a lot of passive prayer xp banked.

vnoovekv3702: My favourite AFK training method is cutting Yew logs, south of Melzar's Maze, where I placed myself between two Yew trees, that those yew trees stay at the same spot for clicking, peaceful spot, cut them down after one is down and so forth. Rsn Gen Wetham

daniellovesosrs: Scurry is only truly afk with blood barrage. Ive tried every single way and guthans blood fury isnt good enough.

Meesecakes: Definitely want to turn in the sulphurous essence before leaving neypotzli btw. They disappear if you leave the zone like the food or potions do

speedbasic: What is the place of the Prayer afk spot. Where he got 5xp crafting. For each bone

kyjos4983: As a college student, I like to train magic using using splash method in the varrock sewers with the rats. One time there was one dude training by splashing there as well and I striked a conversation with the guy and its funny since we both reply on irregular intervals spanning to ~10 mins. RSN: Vel Vel

Aug 16 2024

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