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Having Unlimited Arclight Charges Is Insane.. UIM Collection Log Completionist 36 OSRS

vvoid8416: If you go for the burning claws and get a second synapse you should make the bow and do the zammy log with it before you drop it over.

erikkobys5613: Hahahaha I’m Beer Weed was fun killing TDs with you bro

FluxZee: but do you lift or not??

Fratsy: Loving the consistent uploads

TheGaylo101: Dont forget to get an extra vorkath head to use on your regular max cape too. Gives it the passive ammo saving effect for the future aswell.

Obito1994: I can’t wait until you get an infernal cape before Alkan

RaccChannel: One thing about the Dharok's is that is has to be on the "crush" style in order for the extra damage to occur - worth checking!

jimmy13morrison: Considering that youll never use 80k numelite you should unlock permanently the drift net fishing area for 20k

TylerLovato: Watching this series confirms I’ll never make a UIM

gregorp1963: the charges and infusion changes on every 100 hits so you could have hit a rnd npc fpr 17 hits and it would be 6600 charges and 34% infused

Aug 13 2024

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