TorvestaRS: Above Skill Specs. Thank you for your service
rammus5672: Oda you should actually PK them on different styles and go on a journey to find out who is the best of the best!
It would be one of the best series ever!
zackmash851: donator and dino on the same tier as mammal and c engineer is hilarious
stanleyyelnats4th: The only 2 youtubers I watched from the beginning was Framed and Torvesta. Good to see they are above average. Oda was the 3rd I started to watch and even I can tell he's the best pker
nicolasolguin7697: He shit on his whole team from the tourney
diederikbrouwer5425: Putting panic in top 5 after the shit that went down between you 2 shows you’re a real one
bamxz9336: Maybe its just a mannerism but Big O, you dont need to repeatedly say youre being honest every 2 seconds if youre actually being honest
ronanv3986: Sparc Mac is one of the best pkers with a magic short bow and Dh.
dreamsnoreality8645: NH requires way more skill than veng pking tho lmao
comgeturs: Rhys should be top 5 and lagunariun has some insane clicks as well. I would say hes def near top 5 if not top 5
robertsummers3360: alfie, the guy who has 2 rune pouches under his eyes, hahaha that one caught me off guard
LazxyGaming: eliop14 was killing a guy in my cc at altar for 35 gp multiple times today lmaooooo
bioblockdave: Even throughout the years of ‘beef’ with panic oda still knows true talent. Panics nh and veng videos are actually outta this world
user-wz4kb6cy9b: Where’s NightMareRH?
jairl3645: Tbh I would put Boaty in top 5 with this list, he did it all tbh. Torvesta is a good shout for top 5 as well, he started as a risk fighter then went on to NH really well, he can pk on any style account and is actually decent.
tyler31914: i would put lag in top 5, hes an amazing rusher, risk fighter, venger, nher, the only thing i havent really seen him do and excel at is pure, but if he tried, im sure he would.
Danrics-lg7nq: Theres no way you did Lagunarium like that, I reckon hes top 5 Material. He can 1 tick 8 ways in NH, he understands pid and can actually risk fight well even with his ping.
Byronherm: Justice for sparc mac
BittyPlaysPoker: NH is 10x harder than pure risk fight I promise you Westham can double Gmaul and triple eat and knows about pid. NH should have the heaviest weighting by far, but I understand Oda wanting to be more about Veng PK cause he is the best at it
aarongray5344: Sparc Mac is a hell of a veng pker and isn’t too bad at NH. Def above average.
Aug 12 2024