ripgecko: Cinema
TConPC: this is one of those videos repoze will pull up in 6 years when hes a massive creator and clown himself for
joelmaster329: I love how you tell us your thought process as to WHY do you things tactically. No one on youtube does this for Dark and Darker and i...
HordersBeanie: Bard is just seeming more viable
killianpilcher6509: Oil up got here in 5 mins
WolfHreda: I made an Arcane Trickster Rogue last week, and Magic Lock was one of the spells I was absolutely hoping to roll. And I did. It was fun.
TheRealestGoober: W ...
shaqino: who else got a sneak peak of this this build from Euthafro's video?
daddeus: they need to massively tweak multiclassing or remove it entirely this shit is insane lol
justindoucet1257: Hope they remove multiclassing soon. Makes the game so unappealing to me now :(
saugamer4314: the block with the Flute was the funniest shit if ever seen hahah that was gold xD
trippiesdredds4805: Don’t forgor to like and subscrib that flute play was foul
trime1015: In the first patch, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one crept. Burne...
AngrierBanana: This is why multi-classing doesn't work right now imo. Instead of using a bunch of unique perks, you can just stack resistance perks and it works 10x better.
kpiegg2744: damn i was the close call against the slayer. built that kit based off your vids. when you kille...