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New Patch Gear Score Changes Dark and Darker

MarcoVerro1337: 1-24


125- 9999

hydrax7131: I noticed a lot of lobbies with gear score under 25 were quite small, this is definitely a welcome change. I like playing without equipment because it's more skill based and it's nice to find some gear you can use in the dungeon, free of charge of course.

BucketKingu: Honestly 125 is fine. It's not so large that you'll see blues everywhere. You can barely have a full set of greens on, let alone bring anything blue or purple in. It actually gives green gear a use, since before it was quite literally entirely useless.

chucknorris5476: I’m crying at the instrument spam being so seamless

pvtsanchez1951: " recently, recently " always cracks me up lol

WolfHreda: Finally, I'll get to use all the goddamn green gear I extract with.

Also, after Yami's last Bard video where he learned that even a purple Lute by itself wouldn't put you over 24 GA, I bought a handful of blue and purple Lutes, and I even managed to kill a barbarian with one.

Lastly, I did try to make a Bardbarian during the multiclassing days, but it was not easy.

janesaroma: playing those instruments as a barb is hilarious.

shaboingboing799: Lmao "i gotta rebuff really quick"

TheCrocwise: You can surely name yourself as a precursor of discovering new class of Bardbarian :)

Devi_irl: 125 GS lets my lizard barb sneak in purples and blues seeing as I don't need a chest or head piece

Jul 01 2024

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