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New Patch Cleric is Stupidly OP Most Broken Class Dark and Darker

dadderall4213: After watching all your videos, im starting to think that any class you play is overpowered. You could probably walk in naked and come out with a full purple kit.

Lipzyncable: so this is why i see at minimum 4 clerics per run... epic

StanleyDesu720: Most broken class - bard.

-Medley-: I don't think a lot of people realize that every class takes only 1 patch to become "the most broken". If Ironhammer does it good every class will feel equal or have their own unique strength that is fair each others pretty soon.

itzdrdabber2115: tip for fighting druids try and force rat form while u have judgement if u have decent cast speed 30-40% it casts judgement pretty quick and usually catches them off guard, it has gotten me a lot of druid kills

mrbubs3328: the class is strong and the blunt damage should be nerfed because the damage of a falchion with amor pen is already super strong but the 15% on top is too much, however playing cleric there has been too many time where people just try to face tank smite and then die in 3 hits. I feel most of it is due to people not seeing many clerics until this point and just apeing into smite. Judgement is also stupid strong in the right scenario but if they can kite you or jump you it becomes harder to make affective. I hope they nerf the effectiveness of cleric's skills but still make it a viable class in solos because it would suck if the class is nerfed back into a heal-bot

LordShvttle: legit better than fighter and does more consistent dmg than wizard in solo lmao, legit vexing. The amount of times I lost fights against geared clerics who miss like everything and just bonk me as if they didn't get hit with 5 stabs hand bow and 3 throwing knives lmao

lorddrac7824: Dimo I think you are the most broken class in the game tbh

thetryhardturtle2066: It’s broken but I also believe that it is a good counter to some classes and don’t think it should be nerfed to bad

NTF-MTF: Currently landmine rogue/barb and rangers and slayer fighter kills clerics maybe even bard cleric is not that strong in the current state of the game imo.

ExploreVancouverIsland: It's not broken, people just suck at combat and picking fights. Learn to pick your fights and understand advantages and disadvantages in the game.

Jul 06 2024

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