Top 10 Best Bleed Weapons In Elden Ring! Patch 1.13
Aug 28 2024 Elden Ring Runes
drpeepee05: Youwy can you please make a top 10 tax evasion builds?
PoffyPrime: My man got a sponsorship and didn’t lose his account this time
AS-bc8fg: top ten fromsoft feet when
mattyoh9808: Rank top 10 best youwy videos
freazyknight: Mohg's strong legal defense led to a v...
We NEED to talk about the Hornsent Elden Ring DLC Lore
Aug 28 2024 Elden Ring Runes
grayhat_9x: We NEED to talk about how underrated Miss Chalice videos are
lixthewitch6718: It was very hard for me to watch this at first because I was pleasantly distracted by the Godskin Albinauric watching in the background.
worldlinezero4783: Wow, last time I was this early Mar...
Elden Ring Lore Rellana, Twin Moon Knight
Aug 28 2024 Elden Ring Runes
thecommentguy9380: Something weirdly wholesome about Rellana leaving her birthright for the sake of her nephew
user-fs5xl8hw6k: It’s kinda crazy how the tarnished kills every major political leader in the lands between before becoming lord
dja3456: Gifted with lustrous black hai...
Can I Beat Elden Rings DLC with Only Summons?
Aug 27 2024 Elden Ring Runes
tomoehawk: FromSoft Purists: nO yOuRe PlAyInG tHe GaMe WrOnG, sUmMoNs BaD
Bernie101: Bushy really is the supportive father figure all these summons were missing
alexn3387: Laughing my ass off at the "Can you not summon here?- I don't have the bell."
dipibul: the fight with re...
Miquella Many Problems Elden Ring Comic Dub
Aug 27 2024 Elden Ring Runes
chazaqiel2319: "Lord Miquella... I must say, the gentle world you strive to create was almost enough to sway me.
However, you may consider these two counterpoints:
1. Sir Ansbach is a certified BALLER.
2. You have made him upset."
Warrior-Of-Virtue: Lord of Frenzy: You want a tho...
Commander Gaius LORE in Elden Ring SOTE! eldenring eldenringlore shadowofth...
Aug 27 2024 Elden Ring Runes
CarnisRex: "When your legs don't work like they used to before."
MasonStoijck: An Albaunaric that mastered the gravitational magic. Radahn surpassed him eventually, being able to halt whole star constellations. But imagine if Gaius had demigod powers. He'd bring down the whole ...
Why Are People SO MAD About Promised Consort Radahn? Elden Ring DLC Lore
Aug 27 2024 Elden Ring Runes
Solver606: Honestly I wanted to fight just Miquella instead of a resurrected Radahn
sebastianmiranda3201: im not mad about radahn im mad that theres not enough info on godwynn
Marikus_Eternal: Here’s the way I feel like about it.
Nothing has been retconned. Miquella wanting Rad...
The History of Elden Rings Most Broken Builds Elden Ring
Aug 27 2024 Elden Ring Runes
LordMoonIsaacJR: You forgot falling beast jaw was absolutely broken
AstonishingRed: From should have never nerfed anything for pve, just pvp. It was fun figuring out all the different ways we can break the game.
Bayle-the-Dread-Dragon: Euporia and messmer soldier spear should have...
I Beat Elden Rings DLC as MOHG to Get REVENGE
Aug 26 2024 Elden Ring Runes
rhubarbman2425: *wants revenge for Mohg getting manipulated
*does this by controlling him
-antagonistic-: Both Radahn and Mohg are victims. Radahn didn't want to be a consort and Mohg was enchanted.
spip9202: Instead of "God Slain" there should have been an "Allegations Beaten...
Elden Ring Top 10 Invasions of the Week 7
Aug 26 2024 Elden Ring Runes
jacksoncasey4765: Ever get parried so hard the Erdtree itself yoinks your ass outta the game?
SleightCreative: "I must go, my planet needs me" (Poochie died on the way to his home planet)
nolongeraperson: Parry into Disconnect. The classic.
T00NDRAG00N: Last clip was real foota...
Elden Ring Awkward changes
Aug 26 2024 Elden Ring Runes
alastor8091: No TRUE DRAKE WARRIOR would ask this question Zullie, how could you??? :(
topcat59: It makes sense that the transformation would be more graceful in Elden ring, since you’re technically being rewarded for killing bayle’s cursed bloodline and being acknowledged as a...
Elden Ring The Red Bear Build Is A Beast
Aug 26 2024 Elden Ring Runes
EDENSSBU: "Yo what's ups guys!? Chase the Bear here"
Dylankeahi: Hey chase there's this really cool easter egg you should check out. If you try to open the front door at Midra's Manse, but instead it's his wife that answers, then you're technically on Nanaya's porch
Can You Beat Elden Ring As LET ME SOLO HER?!
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
LordSleven: Let Me Solo Her is second in power only to Soldier of God Rick so yeah I'd imagine you can beat the game playing as him
elenamuraru9073: My depression has been cured,time to recreate the roman empire
Nameorsomething.: Mans just keeps giving me reasons to love Elden R...
The Lore of Elden Ring is Insane
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
sirnassif3124: Was just looking for something to watch while I smoke on my balcony and voila the universe provides
Kuroooiii: The fact that Midra doesn't even want us to go near him but we have to defeat em to end his suffering
Celatrec: going thru what looked like a regular cata...
8 SHOCKING New Discoveries in Elden Ring DLC!
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
baraldogrant: Alright, what's going on, guys?
di4mgaming115: Could the unusual giant corpses in Caelid that are unexplained to this day be the corpses of these "Old gods"?
tiko-: The Japanese for "miko" they used in the game is specifically gender-neutral. Normally it's writ...
Miquella Employed Elden Ring Comic Dub
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
waffie6785: it's terrifying to think he would use his power of charm to make everyone go bankrupt without even providing good content...
Maxxatron: The unsalted fries bit, who's gonna tell Ranni that they just re-fry the old fries to wash the salt off ;-;
whatsnewbois9814: "Mak...
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
SpikeLeep: Rauh went: "Hey, how unfathomably you want your old ruins? As far as it goes? Cool."
likeasonntagmorgen: Quelaag, are you rebranding as The Fair Lady now? I'll send humanity
Sir_Shmoopy: Why do Ansbach and Witch-Hunter Jerren wear metal masks with fake beards? If I h...
We PERFECTED XQCs Elden Ring Build
Aug 25 2024 Elden Ring Runes
Epsonea_482: When I heard him say “yeahumasiwassayingmybuildisthebest”? I felt that
FallenReborn: This is the best kind of critique to Xqc. "Your build was mid at best, skill issue, here's how you could've done better." Subtle shade but still useful advice and pointing out ...