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Wow Gold: Take the Lead in Follower Dungeons

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In the Seeds of Renewal, players level 60-70 will have the opportunity to play through Normal difficulty Dragonflight dungeons solo, or with friends, with a little help from a few NPC teammates. You’ll be able to earn appropriate level gear for your specialization within these dungeons the same as you would running through any Normal difficulty dungeon.

Whether you want to experience the dungeon for the first time as a solo player or you want to have a friend or two join you to learn the mechanics and boss fights, you can queue to join this new type of dungeon feature right within the Group Finder (I) tool.

Dungeons Available:

Ruby Life Pools

Nokhud Offensive

Brackenhide Hollow

Halls of Infusion

Algeth’ar Academy


The Azure Vault

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Choose your role as either a healer, damage dealer, or tank within the dungeon as you would normally and NPC followers will fill in the gaps to complete your group of five.

Your new NPC friends will help buff you and even lay out a mage table for when you get peckish for a bite or two in the dungeon.

Once in the dungeon, you can make the choice to either lead the party through the dungeon, have another player in your group lead, or be led by one of the NPCs in you party. Simply toggle on “Dungeon Assistance” when you want to let go of the reins and let them lead the way. Your new followers, whether supporting you or leading, will go at your pace allowing you to explore the dungeon and get comfortable in your role within the dungeon.

When you want to take the lead again, you can turn off the Dungeon Assistance by clicking on the updated selection in the center of your screen.

Follower Dungeons are a fun and easy way to sharpen your skills in Dragonflight dungeons, gear up, or spend quality time exploring with a friend or two alongside your new NPC friends.  

We look forward to seeing you in the Dragon Isles!

Jan 10 2024

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