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Zone Design and Exploration in World of Warcraft Dev Interview with Maria Hamilton Jordan Powers

zwaglou5007: we need a pointless Top 10 Developer edition, where they get to pick the 10 things

TaliesinEvitel: Damn this is a way better interview than ours with Maria and Jordan, nice one!

Kermits_vengeance: What's funny is "Doodad" is a technical term, if you hover over certain bugged items it will say something like (Doodad_Kul'Tiran_Chair.7) or something of the sort

TheDarq0n: YES! Love this!!! love love love! thanks Crendor! We need more WORLD in World of Warcraft, so this is greatly appreciated <3

unclvinny: Now that's a high-quality green screen!

wtff: I love Maria! So glad to see more of her :D

masterdoge7219: Not talking to the devs in font of the "shitty greenscreen"? I'm disappointed, Crendor. What's next? You are gonna drop the "non-content" brand and start doing regular content?

ZethPalmer: Great interview! I would love to see more interviews of people on the various world building teams.

velkonemriam1935: Yaaayyy! Crendor got the developers interview he wanted!

guilleb7551: I LOVED your questions, you're a great interviewer. Thanks for the cool video!

bradleyberdan1390: thank you for doing this! Love hearing from different parts of the WoW team and what their day-to-day is like

Jul 18 2024

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