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Your Guide to Picking the Perfect Main in WoW The War Within

whokilledkenny67: I’ve been a lifelong (10 year) mage with no alts. With mop remix I made a mm hunter and a demo lock which I leveled to 70 and it was fun. And then I found assassination rogue and completely fell in love. I leveled one in remix and then paid $40 to make an auto level 70 in retail which I’m gearing now. That will be my main in TWW. It’s funny because fire mage was looking OP as always and TWW sin rogue looks abysmal

DezrathNLR: "Make sure you like all the specs on a class." This is good advice. Its also the only reason I don't main a Warrior. I LOVE Fury. Fury is hands down my favorite spec. I HATE Arms, Arms is hands down my least favorite spec, and I don't like tanking. So I play Mage instead. Three flavors of epilepsy all are paced differently, feel unique, and flow nicely; plus Mage has great utility. Love me Mage. Simple as.

sjwhater: All i want to do is play Frost DK and have fun. I love the theme but gameplay and balance of Frost DK has been terrible since forever

The69Oskar69: A tank, will read all new talents for each class and decide which one I want to paly. Pala was my main so far but maybe it will change.

stellas1125: I thought you'd show us how to pick the perfect man in WoW. Disappointed -- it's a dislike from me!

Rooachie: You wanna play high keys? Pick mage or aug. You wanna raid? Do the same. You dont like mage? To bad play it anyways if you like invites. That said ill just play unholy/blood like i did for 15 years

jasminpoljak6115: I play feral druid.

leo9528950: Ive played the same main for 15 years now its been Frost DK ever since it came out in WOTLK and it will continue to be Frost DK in TWW Im too loyal lol i also find meta chasing cringe for a 20 year old game

mirandelf: With the introduction of the warband I’m going to try not maining but banding. I’ve always played multiple characters, usually one of each armour type. One usually edges ahead and is more fun and that becomes the ‘main’. Agree with advice on don’t pick flavour of the month. With this kind of discussion I think a more basic question needs to be asked first - what content are you focusing on and how far do you want to push it. There are so many different ways to play the game and that is a major factor in role/class/race/spec choice from high end raider to limited time mythic pluser to PVPer to mount/transmog collector and many more.

brandenlolwtf6682: Logged in as resto druid vanilla. Going to continue to do so.

Jul 23 2024

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