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You Cant Go Back World of Warcraft

Ninjastyle124: There will never be a feeling like logging into my Level 1 Tauren Warrior for the first time in Vanilla, being 8 years old, with WoW being my first "serious" game after being raised on the N64 and Gamecube. No idea what an MMO was besides I'm playing with thousands of people. No idea that an RPG could be deeper than some silly Mario RPG. Spending 10 minutes learning how to talk and then wondering why the NPCs aren't responding to me when I ask them to teach me how to play the game. Dying to a Level 2 plainstrider, resurrecting, and then confusingly leaving the Red Cloud Mesa into the greater expanse of Mulgore which felt so huge at the time at like level 2 with some rando who was also new to the game who decided to group with me, corpserunning to the town (Bloodhoof) in the distance getting constantly killed by mobs 3-4 levels higher than me, drowning in the lake because Ididn't know how to rise out of the water, and then running as a ghost out of Mulgore and into the barrens and doing some hilarious loop through the Barrens, Stonetalon, Desolace, Feralas, Thousand Needles, back into the Barrens and then into Mulgore as a ghost. And somehow leveling to 37 over the course of many months without doing a single quest, without training a single ability or spending a single talent point, wearing a hodgepodge of gear that's mostly white/grey quality or random poorly statted green BoEs drops. Also somehow getting my hands on Corpsemaker from RFK because some group somehow put up with me and brought me along. And spending days asking random people "how to become a General" so I can talk in General chat and then spending half a day arguing over Gremlins vs Gremlins 2 in Barrens chat.

zachnitiss2560: One of my first major memories of WoW was taming a pet raptor on my Night Elf Hunter.

As a kid growing up I was absolutely OBSESSED with dinosaurs, I lost my mind when I saw my dad playing his Druid in the wetlands and seeing those raptors and being like “that’s gonna be my pet”

Unfortunately, the lowest level raptors at the time were in the Barrens, which was Horde territory and two zones were between there and Teldrassil. My dad asked a friend to escort me under leveled through Ashenvale to the Barrens. It truly felt like entering dangerous enemy territory.

After finally getting my pet raptor (named Miona, has been with me every since) I remember Hearthstoning out of there just as Horde players found me. It felt like a true adventure

SitSnacks: People don't miss what WoW was like in 2005. They miss who they were in 2005.

railguy2518: The irony of the Zygor sponsorhsip is not lost

joefer5360: Sometimes the tune of Dun Morogh randomly plays in my head in the middle of the day. It's bittersweet.

DraphEnjoyer: What I don't like is how people act like this is some issue Blizzard can solve.

What exactly do people want Blizzard to do? They can't patch in a fresh experience for you. They literally rereleased Classic and people complained about it.

RoraxPlays: This goes even further with the expectation the community has that you MUST know things. So instead of taking your time and exploring and enjoying the wonder of it all, you are looking at the answers at the back of the book, you are looking at the best builds, you are following the quest markers as the crow flies, you are clicking through everything. All because of the peer pressure from the games community

MrOrcshaman: My earliest WC memory was how short the view distance was so much so the world outside certain areas looked like silent hill.

didiosthrance: Chasing the dragon

One of my fondest memories was late one night, getting ready for bed, I kept playing a little bit longer and went into the Shimmering Flats for the first time. It was night in game as well and I was just blown away at how beautiful it looked to me. It was like some fae moonscape to me. I explored for longer than I should of because I stayed up even longer and had to work the next day. I spent hours there and then in Tanaris, making sure it was night for the majority of it.

Another fond memory was meeting my first world elite, a Son of Arugal. I had zero clue what an elite even was. I ran as it slaughtered me. Corpse ran back and it was gone. Most people in the zone didn't know what it was either and thought I was making it up when I was asking.

peepoodoodledoo: Incredible video. Thanks for being the most down to earth WoW creator.

ToneyMo: I started playing WoW for the first time seriously two months ago and it's been such a wonderful experience.

I played a very small amount (incredibly casually) back during Burning Crusade but this is the first time ever talking the game seriously and I've loved it.

I've leveled four characters to 70, one of them in Shadowlands, one in Warlords of Draenor, one in MoP, and now one in Wrath. Taking in all these legitimately new environments, characters, talents, mechanics, running dungeons and raids through LFR has been intoxicating.

I'm also fortunate to have a friend who is a seasoned veteran who understands when to help me out and when to just let me play and discover. VERY EXCITED FOR WAR WITHIN.

YukikoAiko: I have never quite experienced the same fear as when i was a baby draenei warrior in darkshire just trying to fill in the map and went "hmm what's up here in the middle of the map?" and wandered into a lovely serene hidden glade thinking it was so beautiful... and turning around to see a freaking dragon world boss heading straight for me, running away from it not looking back to see if it was still there... and bumping right into stitches and getting 1 shot.

NoFutureZine: I can. I will go back. slams another shot of whiskey and stares off into the distance with a dead glaze in his eyes

Shakespearean-Platypus: First character that I've kept was a belf warrior called Faenar, I always thought the world was so interesting, I didn’t know how anyone could understand the lore of the game, now I can probably name the backstory of anywhere in the world. Looking over at quel thalas, or wondering how to climb Sunfury spire or one of the towers, how to climb into the dead scar. Now, I'm realising I can not and don't need to. There is no reason to climb the mountain simply because its there, running through duskwood, avoiding scourge and alliance, journeying through vast forests not knowing what's there now I can look over my shoulder and name everything, sure azeroth feels like home but not always in a good way. Even with other games, elden ring, or outward. I want to discover the world again for the first time.

Jul 13 2024

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