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You Cant Go Back to World of Warcraft

Hvemlol: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man."

tachometer-flac: aww man I miss Nostalrius. It wasn't made by people grinding a 9-5 job, trying to milk you with pay-to-win. It was made by dedicated and talented fans out of love. Any day, any time, you could log in and it took less than 10 seconds. The severs were never down for maintenance. And the people we met, logging in from different parts of the world, it was amazing. The chat supported many languages. I'm from the U.S. and I was in a primarily Australian guild. A bunch of cool cats from Perth. Much love if you're out there!!

coldteeth24: You could though, at least until druids could use polearms.

hansbystrom9983: Btw, people do NOT know everything about the Classic meta. There was a good 10-15 years of certain "truths" (from a spreadsheet in 2006 when we were clueless) being cemented, to the point where the community is gatekeeping against anyone daring to oppose it. I've seen people making guides about Classic even though they actually never played Vanilla. Let that sink in. So wehn they say "so basically, druids can only play healer", that is not based on any experience, but the silly lies being spread on forums for a decade. I actually raided as hybrid dps WTF.

2019: In my first L/UBRS run I got flamed for playing SV hunter, by another MM hunter. He was in MC gear and I was in green/blues. When I outperformed him on the dmg meter he attacked me even more. When I did BRD with friends we had a pug warrior tank, he wanted us to do a shortcut by jumping out a window and we were like "nah bro, it's 2 packs, no need". He then did it anyway, made us wipe, then called us noobs and left. I don't even understand why the soulsucking minmaxers even play the game. Are they enjoying it?!

The Classic community is overall a pretty terrible community. They've sucked the soul and fun out of a great game, and act aggressive when people try to get some sense & wonder back.


GHIBaal: Give us FRESH for Christmas 24 !

tobiasgirod2076: YOU CAN EAT AND DRINK AT THE SAME TIME!???????

Caramelo25: People before play the game, now work the game.

JamilThePimpLol: My first WoW character was a Tauren hunter named "Levelone"

johnnyboy508: is this a reupload

Dreamlink91: This is the same i say for depressive people including me and how i got over my anxiety 80% free. Once you have seen and know everything you get bored, depressive, unable to enjoy because you have experienced it all. This is what i think why many young people are depressive because if they are very curious and they get a PC or a phone they see and hear on internet literaly everything they ever wanted in a short amount of time that took maybe a whole lifetime for their grandparents and they get lost in life because they know it all so to say..

jessem8281: Ichi go Ichi e Was worth this entire vod. Life is fleeting enjoy every moment.

Jul 18 2024

Buy WOW Classic Gold (lvl60)

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