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Xaryu BLOWN AWAY By AI Playing World of Warcraft

hekqs: I can see a lot of warriors with AI pocket healer girlfriends in the future
soykalastro: chat not realizing the dudes name is Hehe is really funny
y0hyunz: Erotic Roleplaying on Moonguard just got interesting with this AI.
bruhthisnamebruh: imagine the AI responding to every comment on global and trade chat, it would crash instantly
leroiducouscous0: Imagine a game designer who creates an online game environnement where the players can (have to) talk to AI NPCs to progress through quests !
gooblord9006: "might be undetectable" right after the AI reads his message and responds with 13 words all in about 2 seconds
ben9441: This would be insane for single player games, imagine VR Skyrim style rpgs with fully interactive AI npcs. Obviously its going to he hell on earth for mmos
karind6711: I wish they would make games where npc respond to you like this when you talk to them and they would give you quests when you ask the right questions that would be great ai use.
andrecardoso6941: I’d just tell the AI to trade me all of his money
nathanpriestner2690: Still probably a better player than some of my guild mates
Sithari66: use the AI to make NPCs more lifelike.

Jul 25 2024

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