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WoWs 2025 Is Going To Be Different All New Content

bootnscoot5265: DRIVE being a thing is the best argument i could see for a full world revamp just to bring racing back to the shimmering flats.

Zquiker: Imagine player housing shared with warband, with your offline chars being interactable

gryphonkerfoot3201: For Legion Remix the artifact weapons should be the overpowered part of remix, it would be fun to make lore-accurate weapons

spacecadet427: I wanna be able to park that car in front of my custom WoW house

That_kind_of_orc: I just want m to not suck

viktorgrabovski520: Can't wait for DRIVE to disconnect you every single time you hit a bump; that'll be fun.

HiIThinkImReal: Blizzard's commitment to motion gameplay is, in my opinion, one of the most innovative ways to breathe life back into the assets that already exist in the game.

I'll never forget using Soar during Dragonflight's pre-patch to fly over Stormwind. Somehow, the city felt different once I was able to fly around it with physics rather than at a static speed.

thealien1946: Is there still no words on Archeology

CharlesinTampa: Not sure if I want all my alts contributing to the same house, or to each have their own... I guess I'll have to wait and see

Giliver: I really hope they put in an absurd amount of effort into making housing decent if not good.

I want them to give us at least base level housing eith the promise of frequent updates.

Itd bring in such a large audience yall have no idea lol

D34D4H34D: I've had player housing since Vanilla wow, It's a nice home on the lake near Southshore

ryanmullen483: I've been waiting for ethereals to be playable for like 12 years, fingys, crossed boys.

oneone4203: Getting exhausting always looking ahead, TWW already feels like a write off while we wait for Midnight

theR1ch: I'm just tired of Brann. I really wanted a new delve buddy.

Takeonwilds: Im still waiting for them to say TINKER.....blizzard...cmon!

mitchellradspinner4491: If you are bitching ask your self why you are still playing. If you aren't playing and are still bitching then it might be time to touch some grass.

WadeAllen001: Player housing could be so cool, and it could provide room for so much new content and rewards in the game. I just hope Blizzard does it right.

I'd like to see:

-Tons of house locations all over Azeroth, with all of them being own-able.

-Tons of customization options for the houses, their overall architecture/shape as well as exterior and interior design.

-These customizations and furniture and decorations should be scattered as rewards through all parts of the game. From questing, achievements, dungeons, raiding, pvp, professions, etc. And many of these rewards should be retroactively tied to already existing achievements, so that we get some cool housing rewards for the things we've already done (like being able to mount Onyxia's head on your wall).

-Player housing is the perfect opportunity to introduce a new profession, and to add a lot of stuff to all the existing professions. The profession that comes to mind is obviously woodworking to make furniture. But it could be integrated in with the rest of the game and not just player housing by also making parts for staves, bows, shields, wands, fishing poles, and so on (and I don' t think that needs to remove from other professions. For instance, inscription could still be required to make staves, it's just now that scribes need parts that woodworkers make in order to make a finished product). And honestly I could see woodworking coming with a gathering profession too, like how we had lumberjacking in WoD.

-The ability to assign your characters to live in these homes, so that when you visit them you can see them there, doing animations befitting their profession or activities you've chosen (for instance maybe you could select from a list of down-time activities for your characters to perform in their homes, such as gardening or reading or sleeping or hosting parties. These things could just be cosmetic only, or they could accrue small amounts of passive income, like if you set a character to garden then when you log in on that character you get a bundle of herbs).

-Multiple characters should be able to be assigned to the same house. That way you have the freedom to design homes for one character each, make a huge warband house where all your characters live, or anything in between.

arshenfashoom7139: Id love to see a new profession.... Lumberjack and carpenter. They chop trees down, various types of wood across wow universe, then build furniture and other house hold items. Though engineer can capitalize on this. Professions are weak, can't profit at all, there more profit to farm the mats and sell then it is to craft

VictusPrime: Remember when WoW in 2024 was also "going to be different"? I look forward to the "WoW in 2026 is going to be different" video.

animeyay4: I hope it works. Siren Isles has been the most boring patch for me since launch. I've hardly touched WoW. Maybe I've just grown tired of it, but they need to do more than shoving a racing game in to this.

artherir: I just hope they announce if they are going to add more reputations to the warband system soon. Haven't seen anything about it, and I'm actually curious if I should continue farming with other alts

Th3beastcj: Waiting untill April is insane lol.

nicholaswalker4791: The driving does look like a great new feature and I love the look of the raid but I just don't give a shit about Goblins

phaton89: Can you imagine Legion Remix and they give us a brand new artifact skin for every spec? I’m pretty sure I would go out of my way to hug every single Blizzard Dev I could that worked on it. God I miss those weapons.

heywhaddupbrah: For the life of me cannot see the big appeal or desire for Player Housing, it will be such a generic boring feature that lacks any social purpose for an MMORPG. Any other games thats had it, never interested me, nor did it improve player interaction. WoW has enough lobby based systems, Garrison 2.0 won't make it any better.

Terribads: I feel like Undermine could have been a Plunderstorm version; Missed opportunity.

HawkknightXC88: I'm hoping that Cars from Undermine comes out of the Zone and into the Old World where ground mounts will be more fun besides just flying mounts. Also hoping that Midnight gives us unique races besides just Elves like Ethereals, Sethrak, and other races.

Jan 13 2025

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