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WoW Weekly I Got Max ilvl Is It Worth It?

SacredBlazeXxX: It absolutely is worth. The scaling in the last 30 ilvl is insane.

When you are 476 you can join any 476 group and blast every single raid includibg mythic SoO and get lots and lots of bronze.

XAn0nymousX0: No reason to not get max ilvl. It's super easy and allows you access to the most bronze in the game to unlock everything you want.

LukeStrife: I got all the mounts from Hemet. Not super excited about many of the transmogs, so now I'm just dumping bronze into gear for a little while. Going to see if I can solo Normal raids just for funsies like some folks have been doing. I may still level a few more alts but eh, I'm not super bothered. At the moment I'm just enjoying reliving the full MoP story again.

Summer's going to be a busy period for me, as I'm looking forward to playing FFXIV Dawntrail when that comes out. So anything I want to get done in Remix needs to be done before then, because you can be sure I'll most likely be playing FF until War Within comes out.

captainexistence: This past weekend I finished the raids on heroic and got mythic SoO knocked out aswell, so I'm done with raiding now. It was great to see the raids even remotely similar to what they were back in the day because I took a break from WoW during mists.

What I'm enjoying most though is going turbo nerd on alts, I have it down to about three hours consistently and I've done 14 or 15 alts now using the level 40 mailing method.

I hope they apply the remix template to other expansions in the future, honestly I think WoW in general is popping off atm, and I'm loving every minute.

DarthSmirnoff: I've been doing the "Don't check your mail" power leveling for my alts, and it seems to be pretty easy and quick.

And what are "Regular" Doritos? Nacho cheese? Recipe for Dorito Nachos, please! :D

jestbone89: I played and finished remix in one month gametime I got.

I still play and enjoy remix as f2p now helping friends to speed level and solo world bosses. Tried all different lvl 20 characters but shaman, monk and warlock are my favorite.

richardsaunders7157: Same I love remix and just fully geared 2 day also lol

viddz123: Currently finishing up the last two achievements in the remix tab. Only emperor and sunreavers left. Really weird how some of those rep achievements are insanely easy, while some (like sunreavers) have no bonus rep and take way longer

mewbinator7397: How come you are wearing blues on the 476 main and not epics with your ideal secondary stats for your class?

Something i didnt realize for a bit was, you should make sure to put legendary gems that are ideal for your spec/class (Ex. Haste/Mastery for Arms Warrior) in the chest and leg gem slots. As the stats will max out on those two instead of trinkets/rings/neck which stay at ilvl 345.

Altarknight: Ok sounds good, but looks like for me That ""Mix" things is just put kids to grind 90 days if they bored to grind on retail. And here you are you like to grind, farm all day long . Think as a boomer realized what adults do on daily normal job , different i can pay my / family bills and my pension

ninjin1381: Remix is the best way to lvl alts. It's easy to make a booster too and bilzz is ok with it.

Jun 24 2024

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