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WoW Pre Patch has been TERRIBLE But Help is on the Way

driznardelunyar5199: getting 1-5 currency per kill post event when it costs over 250k to get everything is nuts

3possumsinatrenchcoat: sounds like a very "Hurry Up And Wait" event. oof.

JKTSafehouse: Hello Crendor, always good to see you still posting. I'll always remember my friends and I gathering around the computer to watch your older videos. Thanks for the memories and current content!

priestessholleywood: Wait an hour and a half for it to be over in 5 minutes? (Hmm! That sounds familiar

yuliea: Sometimes i feel like they make it bad on purpose just so they can be like “ we hear you “ because theres no way they thought this was cool

Lokaror: i have no idea why they thought the wait time was acceptable... i guess im glad they are fixing things but why was it pushed lived this way to begin with

headlights-go-up: The best part is how it passed all the different approval processes to be released. More than one person saw a 20 year wait for 5 minutes of content and said "yup! looks good!"

leiathrix: The saddest thing about the pre-patch for me is that they have a bunch of old story quests that are broken and I doubt they are gonna touch upon them any time soon. Like I wanted to get a personal tabard but for that I need to complete "Keys to the Kingdom" which is still bugged :c

jessecox: I can tell you're upset, cause I haven't heard you talk this fast in years

mayanays5163: I don't know how Crendor does it. I don't know how he can be so patient with Blizzard after all these years when they've made such terrible changes. No one else has stuck around, so I don't know whether to call him an idiot or a trooper to keep coming back to a game he likes when there's such terrible patches.

melissas4874: After like 20 years I genuinely think they release it as garbage on purpose just to gauge hype with the equation "Hype = shit the player base is willing to eat to play the game". I appreciate this video as it lets me realize I really and truly have no FOMO for WoW anymore.

astrealove2247: Why don't they just do the Legion event but with mobs themed for the next expansion?

That event was already great.

Aug 03 2024

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