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WoW Dev REVEALS Why Garrosh Went Evil Alliance DEMANDED IT

tek512: The short end of the stick? Absolutely not. Cataclysm heavily favored the Alliance. Horde players were forced to spend Cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, and

Ethan-2001: Garrosh Did Nothing Wrong

bindair_dundat: The Barrens was a Horde zone. The atrium to Mulgore and Durotar. Jaina allowed troops from Stormwind to land in her city, build a highway through Dustwallow and invade the Barrens. Unless Jaina was betrayed by Stormwind or was forced to sumbit, which didn't seemed to be the case, she threw away her precious neutrality. The city of Theramore became the headquarters for an Alliance invasion into Horde territory. Theramore became the closest enemy base for the Horde. Its bombing was justified. If Booty Bay suddenly turned Horde and allowed a Horde invasion of Duskwood, the Alliance would have done the same to Booty Bay.

Eucep: I am.. so confused. Sorry back then had none of those feelings that we got shafted as alliance during cata. Maybe because I played both sides for the story. So if that was the reason for making Garrosh insane... that is only more proof of the incapability of the Blizzard writers to write a good story past Warcraft 3.

Demonsouls1993: shocker blizzard doing favor bullshit for alliance players

Altrantis: Yeah, alliance players complaining ruins everything and has been doing so for a while. It's time we complain until the alliance are turned into villains and defeated, twice, over a period of a decade.

LordFoxxyFoxington: As an Alliance fan I never asked for this and would rather have had Garrosh be a badass Horde Warchief who eventually learned to respect the strengths of the Alliance.

TheMrToxin: If only they kept Southshore intact, Garrosh would still be the Horde leader today. It's Sylvanas fault again, for using plague on Southshore.

MrLolguy93: I seriously hope we get the feeling of WARcraft and the sense of faction pride.

And have future races be faction locked, instead of Neutral.

It's getting tired seeing this whole "the factions are friends now, let's hold hands and be friends".

Not to mention, stop making Horde look bad with their leaders constantly being bad and becoming raid bosses.

Have Turalyon become crazy Light fanatic or have Alliance extremists becoming a faction within the Alliance

TheHeartlessFour: Wrath, and Cata Garrosh was perfect for Warchief. Hot headed, and aggressive, but honorable. Then MoP turned him into a psycho.

hardwing: And this made the Alliance even more furious, since they now are the side which always has to forgive and still has no pro-active leader on the horizon!

Yes, the way they handled Garrosh was wasted potential ... still at least he was a cool villain in the end, changing things like Orgrimmar, creating things, like a whole freaking alternative timeline ... okay the Horde makes better villains! With a better ending than even Arthas.

pirojfmifhghek566: Glad we finally got some closure on that. They really did just flip a switch and turn Garrosh evil. It's really silly to think that they did this because they couldn't think of any other way for the alliance to get a "win." It's even sillier to think that they needed to give them a win, just to even the scores. Why does the score need to be even? That's not how wars work.

Ohanrahan: I never liked the idea of all factions suddenly being friends and having one big banner to fight under. I mean it makes sense that when a cosmic being wants to kill the entire planet (Azeroth) you set aside your difference... but it just feels kind of lame.

Compare how vanilla WoW was made with clear divides between what is Horde and what is Alliance, now everyone is the same and i think factions lost a sense of being unique which is sad.

olive3749: I’m really hoping for more faction conflict in TWW but I’m worried it would be ruined by the recent trend of HR therapy session writing

YumYum820: So the alliance cry and the game changes...

n.m.h9679: Chromie even says that this version of Garrosh was the worst one.

ceelo220: Blizzard's attempt to make the Horde into villains is indicative of the wider storytelling problem the game has had for the last decade and some years, and I blame the writers and creatives that held sway during that time (Alex Afrasiabi mostly. Yeesh, that guy sucks). I've always been an alliance player, but I never perceived them as entirely good, nor the Horde entirely bad. But whoever began making the decisions in MoP really had a bias. That's really where all the questionable decisions began, climaxing with Sylvanas breaking the helm of domination. I'm just glad some of the old guard (well, the good ones at least) are back in, and righting the ship. The War Within, and Dragonflight (to a much lesser extent, ugh, hated Dragonflight) are working to fix what MoP through Shadowlands broke, and I hope the only things that are retconned in the future are the terrible mistakes from that era. Don't get me started on the Jailer and the First Ones.

allen8959: I've been telling people this for years and they called me biased towards the Horde.

Uh, no, I have basic reading and context comprehension skills that saw this as an internal conflict between writers a mile away. When you have the pieces laid out to give a consistent reason for a character to be rough around the edges but ultimately a force for good, then suddenly just have those decisions veer hard right, things start to look a little suspicious.

DoamBot: What Alliance? Most people play horde they appeasment led to the death spiral of the game.

galten7361: He just became Orc Hitler which was a lousy idea. The Horde is not the faction that fits for a Fascism analog. Even back in WC1-WC2 the Horde were Green Mongols/Huns/Norsemen not Nazis. In WC3 the Horde had a whole backstory of escaping from concentration camps then they joined forces with Caribbean Trolls and Native American minotaurs.

The Alliance is the faction that would fit for a Fascism analog. Even back in WC3 it was supposed to be the case that the Alliance members were enslaving the Tauren (hence the Tauren aiding Thrall's Horde) before they scrapped that. They did two faction war expansions where it's up to the faux-Western/White/European focused faction (Alliance) has to save the Horde from itself since it keeps waging wars from its culture. BfA has Anduin finally be cemented as who picks what's acceptable and not acceptable to think with Saurfang (who actively commanded the attack on the Night Elves with Sylvanas even using Fascist talking points to get him aboard) doing what he says.

Really, them not just doing what they tried to do in WCIII was what set the factions to go in the direction they were going in circa Pandaria with WotLK dooming them to it.

impas2349: it's funny how before Legion there was a lot more focus on the Horde and blue players criticized it. For the roles to be reversed in Legion

michaelkelley2727: i always thought that the moment garrosh set foot on pandaria, he turned evil, because of the Sha corrupting him

absolutelydark123: I call bs! they just such at writing decent stories .

TheRealAb216: Confirming what i always suspected, alliance gets special treatment from the devs because they all play alliance.

alistark768: Ohh bohoo blizzard was always favored alliance soo what literally two of best warchiefs of the horde made into evil bad guys and alliance allway shown as heros if anything blizzard had always favored alliance

patrikzotaj4528: he should have been in castle nathria raid to be rescued redeemed forgiven and repent for his sins.

Feb 05 2025

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