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Wow Classic Gold: Dragonflight Zone Preview: Thaldraszus

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Thaldraszus, a wonderous mountain region in the Dragon Isles, is the cradle of dragon civilization. From formidable structures to complex waterways, titan and dragon influence can be found throughout its diverse biomes. The sense of history in this region is palpable, and it feels alive with the spark of possibility.

The bronze dragons used the Temporal Conflux as a seat of power. Its vast libraries of knowledge contain the secrets of the timeways, as well as the Bronze Oathstone that symbolizes their calling to protect all time.

While titan-forged spaces bear distinctive architecture, the places established by the dragons reflect the most cultured aspects of dragon society. The dragons built vast structures, the most glorious of which was Valdrakken. From the top of this grand city, the Aspects passed laws and directed their protection of Azeroth. 

Also nestled in the heart of Thaldraszus is Tyrhold, home to the Halls of Infusion. A mysterious place that has been locked away for millennia and holds the secrets that Tyr left behind.

 The land is filled with a variety of life that you will see as you traverse through Thaldraszus:

Valdrakken Scaleworn


Giant Mantis

Primal Beetle

Thaldraszus is filled with history beckoning to be uncovered. Dive into the mysteries of the past in ancient lands.

We look forward to sharing more details as development continues on Dragonflight. Visit the to pre-order. Check for updates and follow us on and .

See you in the Dragon Isles!

Aug 04 2022

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