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World of Warcrafts Unkillable Enemy

DaveDavis-f9w: I mean, no one actually

Shovelchicken: Missed opportunity not doing something with this guy in legion.

insanemkv: Enjoying these videos very much. Keep them coming

RyuDouro: cataclysm ruined everything

Sithedd: All of the hirumared and madseasonshow videos and I've never heard of this guy. Amazing vid. Thank you.

grantglow4206: Just did this quest a few weeks ago. It wad the hardest thing ive ever done on wow

MikkelThaUberHomie: Rest in pieces TheCleaner

ChrisFredriksson: Thank you for another awesome informative video!

cujoedaman: I'm still fuming that Blizz didn't make the hunter bow and staff the weapons of choice for Legion. Instead we got a gun for BM's which should have been for MM and then MM got the bow which should have been for BM.

I will never forget this.

Sui1337: It shares the same model as Atiesh

ChemiiOneLegacy: FYI the quest also gave hunters a unique quiver. I remember doing this quest and the lack of information on what to do was quite a challenge, it didn't even tell you where to go.

Sep 27 2024

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