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World of Warcrafts Player Count Is The Highest Its EVER Been

eppattv: 11 million characters have wrath logs in China, shit is insane

CidLufaine: So Wrath is still the highest played MMO in WoWs history. Nothing changed.

Ck-gu7vi: They are all gold farmers

Nightstalker314: China was responsible for more than 50% of WoW's subs for the the entire peak period 2008-2012.

Shadowmoontreasures01844: I can play wrath in china!?!?!, switching regions and downloading google translate Ching pang pao boys

VDA19: People need to stop using Warcraft logs and shit like M runs to predict playercounts. It doesn't work like that. One season could just be better than another resulting in more M runs from THE SAME AMOUNT OF PLAYERS. This isn't how data is properly collected, there are a ton of variables as to why one raid or season might be more popular than another.

prophet6678: I mean… China lost their server for like 2 whole years them having an all time high player count isn’t that shocking

Llamakidd: Why do you think Mr free Hong Kong was so swiftly told off

nathaneal.murray: Oh man that is awesome, kinda wish i was on china server, that would be a blast

tehjamerz: And the game has never been worse, gg

Shockhawk3: If that’s true why did they stop sharing player count

Sep 12 2024

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