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World of Warcrafts New Race Cannot Play As Death Knights

Pausenmacher: It's fine.
Not everyone needs to be a DK.
mung01re: Not every race needs to have access to every class.
beerasaurus: They cant be DK’s because a Dwarf never dies. Rock and Stone!
challengerdrakava1198: Blizzard adds yet another dwarf race, so annoying it’s nothing actually new. So lazy…
kinell188: I still havent come to terms with Tauren rogues and Troll paladins
Gugoomba: It makes sense at least why earthen can’t be dks. Still not sure how lightforged warlocks and shadow priests work since they’re literally infused with light magic.
vinnythewebsurfer: Just don’t lie about “we just want to make sure it makes sense in the lore”. The actual reasons why they don’t do it aren’t exactly good looks either when you’re not a small indie company mom n pop shop but at least it’s honest compared to acting like they’re just not competent enough to come up with good/reasoable/bear bones lore for their features.

Like they’ll brute force faction neutrality into this new saga of theirs and have the entirety of Azeroth pretend BFA didn’t happen outside of VERY token instances but get stumped up by the logic of Druid rock dwarves? Give me a break.
arondorf1160: I wouldn't mind it if only they hadn't already ruined the lore by allowing Lightforged to be Warlocks, like, honestly I think that's more Lorebreaking.

An earthen could have been reanimated in the same way Gargoyls are animated by the scourge. Heck, would have given us an excuse to give us Frostborne skins and maybe even Iron dwarf skins for the DK ones.
Regnier191: I think the vast majority of the playerbase doesn't give a singular fuck about "lore accurate" if it imposes on fun unless it's something truely lorebreaking like the Jailer and he 5d chess.
x_ghost_x6612: Legion had rock bear forms and tree cat forms. No biggie in the druid department with the Drust passing that knowledge around.
shadowrodney: One way they could implement "Death knight" Earthen, is if they call them Deathforged. Like Earthen built with Death runes to mimic DK powers.

Jun 21 2024

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