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World of Warcrafts Ghost Zone

StarkWurst: I'm so glad they never made an entire expansion about the afterlife or a land where the shadows of the dead go. And also that they never made some sort of mouth or throat which is basicly hellish prison where some sort of prisonguard deity becomes insanly powerfull and would then be the mastermind behind every major plotpoint of the warcraft universe. I'm certainly glad they never did such things.
KevinArcade87: In Elwynn there was an altar located in the area where the Darkmoon Faire is located. That's why all the grass is missing there
nightdruid540: its crazy that that Emerald Dream state looks just like the statue guy in the Dragonflight cinematic!

super cool video
Tanyavonlivius: I love your videos. I'm a late player to WOW, I discovered the game in Pandaria when my dad was playing it and I wasn't able to get a paid account until Shadowland.
But discovering this world from before with all its mysteries and its little unfinished bits is still just as fascinating.
slidewineder3953: just sat down with snacks high as fuck and you dropped a new video. love this
Spectacular66: I started playing the game a little after its second anniversary, and I remember reading the user manual and noticing that a lot of the details in it were extremely outdated or were not part of the game in some form. Like you said, a lot of these things were cut out or changed during the game's alpha period. Pretty cool, though.
curseofzeal: While I think it's sad we never got to see a Vanilla version of the Emerald Dream realized, I for one am glad it was not implemented as a 'death realm' of sorts. It's certainly a neat idea and I appreciate the world-building, but good lord does it sound like a huge nuisance more than anything else.

Love your videos!
jonathan6578: yaay a new video! <3
evandavis5223: Death in early WoW was INCREDIBLY forgiving compare to earlier MMOs like Everquest. When you died in EQ, not only would you lose XP, possibly losing levels with it, you still had to run back to your corpse to get all your stuff back, or you would lose it forever.
kittychan6857: just when I think I've seen and heard everything about alpha/beta Wow you come and drop another great vid!
vanhasydan4754: I've played multiple mmorpgs and yes, too many of them are unduly harsh to the player when they die. It quickly turned me off to them.

May 31 2024

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