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World of Warcrafts Base UI Is Unacceptably Bad

MikeyJ232: It’s insane to me that they keep designing trinkets and talents that are completely unusable without Weak Auras and plater

Dranacaull: Disable all add-ons and just simply incorporates any popular add-on directly to the game. Add-ons are one of the largest challenges new players face

ASIRA89: Disable all add-ons and then have people playtest the game. If they become unable to comlete previously (with addons) completet M keys or raid difficulties, it means the difficulty has to be lowered. The game should be playable without the need of extra addons. The game should be designed without addons in mind. Just... don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

NopeAce631: at this point in time, people are playing wack-a-mole with name plates that are ontop an unreadable pile of disjointed polygons and spell effects

Zantetsudex: Addons should never be a 'must' to play a game. Ever. It's not the onus of a player to fix problems the developers have made.

Judgeharm: The perfect example of the Blizz UI failing is spellslinger frost mage. You build up stacks to 8 after you cast a spell with a bonus on a frozen target; when you hit 8 stacks you get 2 charges of winters chill. The only visual queue for this are tiny tiny shards over your head (about 1/4 the size of the current icicles). If you do not have a tracker for both winters chill and the 8 shards you can't play the spec well it is impossible. You look at the average frost mage and they are just spamming ice lance and they do 1/2 the damage of people who can track the spellslinger stacks and the people who can track it can make decisions of when to weave flurry and Glacial spike and therefore do 25% more dmg.

premiumfruits3528: At this point they need to just hire the guys at tukui, luxthos, and the guy who makes plater, and just put them together on a team and pay them a quarter million to split between them and completely overhaul the UI from the ground up. The game is unplayable in high keys without plater and a dozen weak auras. There are some dungeons that even in lower keys are borderline impossible without plater at the very least.

ai_serf: as a try hard gamer very new to wow(like a month in), i find that i'm starting the m journey, i'm spending stupids amounts of time getting the addons, UI and macros set up. This is beyond just practicing rotations and the game itself. It's so insane. The UI needs to be better, the tutorials need to be better, ranging from beginner to intermediate to advanced. I still have to study dungeons, know which mobs to put a focus on, use my interrupts, defensives, and know all the boss mechanics... And let's not even get into professions and crafting... it's truly horrible for the new player. if it wasn't for life being so horrible, i wouldn't play WOW.

stivyuk6266: Add ons shouldn’t be a thing it’s basically admitting the base game doesn’t work to the point you’re leaving it open to volunteers to fix.

It’s lazy on blizzards side and we pay them for expansions and monthly subs and they can’t be arsed to build the interface players need to play the game.

Soulessdeeds: Been doing keys with a Hunter for the last 2 yrs. Last week he discovered Plater............

(Edit: We just assumed he knew about Plater because well everyone knows about it right? At least you assume so. Turns out nope lol).

The man was playing with Blizzards base UI. And we wondered why he was missing kicks on mobs. Turns out he was just tab targeting trying to get to the mobs we called out. Got him on Plater and showed him how to color code the mobs to what we were calling out. He's now 50% better if not more than what he was before. And he's always on the mobs we call out. Because they are pre-color shaded to be specific target mobs. It's actually changed how he plays the game lol. And completely made him a better player.

stevenguerrero7767: I got all 10s and one 11 on my Pres Evoker with zero add-ons at ilvl 616 (now 621). The biggest gripe is that tab targeting NEEDS to cycle through enemies that are casting. The first tab needs to target the first incoming cast. The second tab needs to target the next, even if it can't be kicked (it could still be stunned). This lack of common sense logic on Blizzard's part is why some dungeons are too difficult for me when I am expected to heal, damage, and interrupt with absolute precision.

a.irewan7270: I was creating a shaman some days ago. One of the unavoidable starter quest was telling me that, if the enemy is far away I should use lightning bolt, if the enemy is close to me, I should use primal strike.

God. If I would be a first-time wow player, I would check the range of every spell to be sure, I am casting the right ones based on enemy proximity - and totally failing the whole game.

snivels: The nameplates are the most egregious. Just the absolute worst thing ever created

Ikular: The amount of people that think that add-ons are the problem is staggering..

Also, the problem with swirlys (imo) is that most of them are so, sooo vague; aside from having the same colour of the ground most of the time, the outside circle is faint so hen you are in a pickle you don't even understand if you are going to be hit or not

TraditonalUSA: Less is more, you got that right. I use very few add-ons. No weak auras, no plater, no DBM, no DPS meters, none of it.

Almost every 'standard' add-on, rips you from immersion and engulfs your screen in a sensory overload of warnings and flashes.

Its horrible and I still find it hard to understand why a majority of the player base feels the need to install them.

I feel bad for my fellow players, It changes Warcraft from a fun game into a formula of tests and checkmarks.

I consider myself a hardcore casual player (BC baby), I play a good amount but I could careless about 'pushing keys' or 'gear progression'.

I play for fun, for the fantasy, the story and the endless collection of wardrobe pixels.

My 2 current toons are both at 610ilvl and I haven't had any issues as far as understanding mechanics in dungeons/delves/raids.

Sadly, your all too right about Warcraft's base UI being garbage, because it is.

The recent updates to it have certainly improved its grossly outdated design, but there is still a long way to go.

antonc-e8h: You touched on the dungeon journal a little bit. But I think it needs to be highlighted for what it is. A blizzard cop-out so they can say they have made an effort to explain mechanics. The last thing I'm going do in any game, dungeon or raid is type "everyone stop I need to read my journal real quick." The shortcomings in intuitive mechanics cannot be made right in a journal.

sioc7478: Give the dungeon journal a voice over and give it a toggle feature. Use that as a way to teach new players how to play the game.

Additionally, overhaul the base UI and give people a reason to use it over addons. From class specific designs displaying buffs, resources and CDs to new visuals and icons.

AntonioFelipePitta: The worst part of thinking about going back to wow is knowing how boring is too adjust all the add-ons i'll have to download, set up and figure out just to enjoy raids and dungeons more.

Oct 26 2024

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