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World of Warcraft The War Within The First 21 Minutes of Gameplay

azsolus7845: Lmao these bot positive comments

ElAntiguooo: 10 mins ago and half of the comments here are bots

TheALEXiSounds: It's literally the exact same gameplay as like 20 years ago.

At least other MMOs are doing something new.

Ar1AnX1x: this isn't too bad for a small indie company

SpaceReptilioid: This is 2024, not 2004.

trasegorsuch5140: Why can’t Blizzard make a Warcraft Dynasty Warriors spin-off game? They did that for Zelda, why not this for this series!

jamesdooney5775: Looks the same as any other expansion

shutinalley: This game needs to update it's gameplay. The name of the game is physics and hit boxes. Tab target, cool down, dice rolling is severely outdated.

frenchyfrenchsilver1331: Can we have an iteration of World of Warcraft for new players at least???/

brotherben4357: Leeeeerrrroooooyyyy Jeeeennnnkkkiiinnnsss!

Aug 26 2024

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