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World of Warcraft Players Are QUITTING Fast

lukesmart3071: I play classic. I used to play retail up to bfa.

The game became too hard . Too elite. Too time consuming. Less approachable. Harder to understand.

I'm playing classic. And having fun. Easy simple fun.

xmixaplix: We were promised x amount of expansions as a life expectancy but when we exceeded that we all know it's a cash grab. They are trying to capture, not the magic of the past, but the huge sales numbers they used to pay themselves with all the while disregarding fans, lores, and the fun of it all. I used to think Mist of Panderia was the weakest expansion but who knew as each expansion came out, it became weaker and weaker; the franchise is diluted especially when classic is out.

REOFIRE36: Plunderstorm is literally like 4 years too late as well….

prismaticbeetle3194: this game needed to be free to play 10 years ago

CoderMonkeyNathan: The charging the for the expansion and charging for the ongoing subscription on top of that. At this point in WoW, they should be giving the expansions away to keep the subscriptions up. I noticed every time a new expansion came out the number people would drop off because they couldn't see the value in buying another expansion, and cause of that with it couldn't be bothered to keep paying for a subscription, essentially quitting.

Ins0mnia365: The love is gone in retail. only classic still gives me satisfaction.

meddins: wow, I can't endure bellular shilling even in a reaction style format.

SchubertAloysius: When they remove their DEI! Players will come back!

toxicwhiteGermanmale: Plunderstorm, a minigame in the actual game, Blizzard are such clowns...

IT-ry8xt: One of the biggest mistake of blizzard was change how player was experiencing the world. it started as: "you are just a normal guy, there are those big things happening, you can be part of that but don't hope to change anything, maybe go kill some elementals to buy us a bit of time, hunt some scarabs to delay invasion, join the army (raid) to try stop some big bad" to the "Oh you are the hero,commander,savior,chosen,the one and only supreme being of nazarick, everything happens thanks to you, and you are the sole purpose jaina pants are so wet all the time, we cant do shit without you, all the bosses are dead thanks to you, all the children smiling thanks to you, oh btw please go to the afterlife to save the existence of everything! And we make sure to send all the named NPC your way to praise you and help you save us all"

Edit: I quit during shadowlands, so I'm not sure how is the story in dragonsomething expansion and whatever is going right now.

W.Isarnorix.D: I've played off and on since BC. I run solo because even the "Casual Guilds" I've joined end up being M under the hood or have non-casual expectations.

Now you have Streamer Guilds and it's all about "engaging" content for $$$ instead of normal guild shit and playing the game for fun.

Tend to roll out once the game turns into a second job instead of just being a fun story to play through.

Don't want a once per week repeating quest for story progression.

Fucking hate time-gated content. If you drip feed content it just tells me you don't really have anything going on and you are trying to stretch what you can for as long as you can.

I have the most fun playing an Xpac a week or two after launch, right up to the content wall, then jumping back in either towards the end or once a new Xpac is announced because then you can play the entire story without being gated.

Didn't touch Legion until BFA preorder was announced and I had a blast playing through that story, I didn't have anything to stop me from playing and enjoying the game.

How hard is it to release an expansion that's just finished, no gated content. Let players play the entire story as fast or slow as they want. You can toss in new stuff over the year as world events.

ohgeezrick2019: What’s incredibly annoying to me is during the middle of a M key you get these dumb dialogue boxes that pop up and cover up the entire ability bar making tracking my cooldowns all but impossible, but at least you can go to settings and turn it o- oh no you can’t!!

You need an addon to do that!

nick78673: I was done with WoW in Shadowlands with they started pushing Pelagos on us, had to be involved in every part of the story, and eventually made into the Arbiter. We know what the message was. Then they gave us the Chronormu (Chromie) Lore change, make another one. This is no longer Warcraft, this is Culturecraft. The change to body type 1/2, the addition of Asian/African human phenotypes. The update to ToS making it extremely easy for easily offended perpetual victims to brigade you and get you banned for wrong-think. Dragonflight story was just full of gooey mushy feels. Games so woke it's unsalvageable. Classic is the only thing still playable.

FFXIV is in the same position stemming from issues with their new expansions flagship character Wuk Lamat. Subs dropping hard and fast. Go woke, go broke.

hixym: mount and pet shop,,, game died in cata

WorldofLos: The MMOs are all just too dated. Everyone is bored but established IPs are too afraid to pull the plug and create something new. So they will just a die a slow death.

Succi17: I quit because I hate M and blizzard has designed the game in a way where you have to spam them to not be dead weight in raids.

Dissius: Happens every expac. This "news" is a circular river.

terrieterblans7027: I unsubscribed from Bozo Bellular's channel and now you give me the male drone's face and voice! Damn!

chrisbamo6400: its not blizzard

they died in 2013

they can't make games anymore

And id rather burn my money than give it nonce bill

melissakampers: I like the expansion. My entire guild does, but everyone is done with season 1. We will be back to do the new content in season 2 and that's the problem I think. WoW, doesn't feel like an MMORPG anymore. It feels like a seasonal game. Blizzard needs to work on the world feel. More lore-driven stories, smaller adventures in the world outside world-quests etc.

SimpleReally: bellular is the least exciting hypeman I've ever seen

mrfrupo: We aren't quitting. I'm just done with this season. Just waiting for the next season. The current season has gone on forever. Gamers have learned over the last couple of years that its ok to take a break. You don't have to play everyday.

aaainxsno1: Why would any1 wanna drive when you can fly?

Cryingmanontherun: Shadowlands was terrible, but Dragonflight was so cringe it really killed this game for me.

christianlacroix4: Isn't it over 20 years old? of corse there won't be as many players, many of the players who loved it on their prime are now older and have no time for an mmorpg.

preservinglight: the woke within

LC-zk5ri: people want classic not this retail shit

Jan 26 2025

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