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World Of Warcraft Launches 90 Mount Luke Reacts

Kat1kafka: People who bought this deserve what's blizzard is doing to their games.

ekzsuncz7610: Sometimes, customer are the problems and it's a waste of time to convince them otherwise. At that point, getting out it's the only way to go. I've done this multiple times on live-service games.

panzer00: A $90 mount that you dont actually own for a game that you dont actually own.

It's going to be amazing when these games disappear and people finally realize how much money they've spent on a video game.

kenjeguides3675: Taking my wife out to dinner and a movie is worth worlds more to most of us! People are buying $90 mounts in an economy where we can barely afford to buy food

johnnygetgood1616: People who bought this are absolute clowns. This going to be the norm now and they did it to themselves.

prekx: I think it's worth pointing out that this isn't Only a skin. The mount gives you access to things like the auction house, which was previously only accessible at set capital city locations or through a now removed mount (unless you buy it through the black market auction house, which lists random items for uncapped bidding), so I'm assuming a lot of people buy it in order to gain access to a feature they'd otherwise have to travel for.

Thus this isn't just a cosmetic, but a feature disguised and marketed as a cosmetic mount, which in my opinion is far worse than "just" yet another expensive skin.

TheBlargMarg: And yet they still charge $15 a month for the game....

eleongo: $90 mount vs $60 AAA game, heck even $90 worth of several indies and AA games, go figure which is more worth.

Graavigala85: anyone who buys that mount and then complains the game is broken have no right to say anything bad about the game when they are fueling the thing that Blizzard cares the most: making money with as little work as possible

EastyyBlogspot: That is what makes me sad though with modern gaming....if say 10000 people do not buy stuff in a game...there will be 100 that will make up that difference and then some....and i am just hoping that bubble does burst

CEGIII: Bring back horse armor. That $4.99 for armor back then doesn't seem so bad now

Oct 29 2024

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