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World of Warcraft Is Finally Playing To Its Strengths In The War Within

Mitchel6489: Bellular: How did it change so quickly?

Me: They fired Danuser and brought Metzen back in.

Mitchel6489: My only critique is the whole overly friendly persona of Ferryn. Im all down for staying positive and never giving up hope. But when someone calls me friend in every sentence, I start to wonder what theyre hiding.

omarali262: Pretending Faerin is a good character is how you know Bellular is cooked and stopped telling the truth.

You can see the look on Matt's face, he obviously doesn't agree but says nothing and instead gives half hearted agreements.

theR1ch: While it's leagues better than Dragonflight, the characters are too predictable. Woman succeed man. Man hang in the background.

Harriz62: Nah. This game is a joke with the DEI character.

aster4jaden: You cucking for Blizzard is funny, but sticking in a DEI character that checks every block doesn't make a Franchise better (though I guess for you it does), the rest of us require actual characters and not Mary Sues. Is Blizzard going to have to learn the Acolyte way?

mogalixir: In my opinion Faerin was obviously a Danuser turd left behind, but Metzen carefully polished it up without changing the art assets.

_Gorrek_: The forums tell a tale as old as time, Blizzard doesn't know what they're doing

dismaspickman773: I disagree mostly... the writing makes Faerin come on too strong, her virtue extremely explicit, preachy, and is implemented in a heavy handed fashion (even reading to orphans, come on). Anduin is basically used to make Faerin look good (as the wise mentor). Speaking of Anduin, he remains a wimp, and has been since forever--Blizzard could perhaps change that at some point. The Magni stuff was unearned IMO, as his condition covered several expansions and then, all of a sudden, there was this new rock guy civilization and boom! Within a couple of introductory quests, Magni is back...ish... not as a badass dwarven king, but primarily a reformed father and grandfather. WW is decent, but the story is not great, and it lacks "edge"--and much of it feels very rushed. However, it could be that since I left after the first little bit of Shadowlands I am not very familiar with the poor writing of the last two expansions. WoW players could be so starved for decent stories, that WW looks like Shakespeare after having gone through Shadowlands and Dragon Flight. Since I didn't endure that, that could be why I don't understand what all the hype is about. WW just seems decent, nothing more.

doneuplikeakipper6512: Man stop simping for Blizzard. This is the same soft woke bullshit story as DF and this is just a DEI character

Zoeila: It's clear this dude only played FF14 to put pressure on WoW

Gungrave123: Shillular still on the fake hype cycle of the expansion? Guess we gotta wait at least to 11.1 for the narrative to change to "oy vey, Le WoW bad! How can we save it!" as per his usual.

Sep 14 2024

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