burkyftw1993: I hope we get TBC era and Wrath era after the fresh servers move on, If nothing else for the sake of game preservation, there have been plenty of times in the last few years that I would have really enjoyed playing TBC, but well, I cant, its gone. For me the original trilogy of WoW deserves to be preserved, if even it was just 1 mega server per region
Rick-y7r: Why is everyone trying to sell Rested XP? Just enjoy the game and stop rushing to the end
BladeRabbit: Its about the journey, also RestedXP ad
aknaton6349: When its time for tbc again i really hope blizzard will slow down the content phasing to how it was first time tbc classic. I want to enjoy tbc for as long as possible.
MacheteCrunk: Yep gdkp ruins wow culture. So happy its still banned. Just like software assisted multiboxing and afking during alterac valley these are cardinal sins.
wickedgrinaz: Haven’t played since WoD, and WotLK before that. Still never miss a WillE video!
Ahrimas: Still waiting for WoW to do an ORSR style recreation with fixed class balance and slow steady new content releases maintaining the original feel.
BriahnAznable: I FINALLY started SoD during the holidays and got my first character (troll mage) to 60 while playing with my girl and another buddy. Most fun I’ve had with WoW in a long time, even though the Rune Brokers were out we hunted down/did our parts to get them all.
I know a lot of it is me not being burnt out by being stuck in certain phases/levels but I’m just having a blast playing the game. Couldn’t get too many mid game dungeons done since we were all DPS but endgame seems booming.
If anyone has a casual weekend raiding guild on Wildgrowth, lemme know! Would love to even get an MC in but my only days off are Saturday/Sunday and most people seem to raid Tuesday Thursday
akhsdenlew1861: The only thing that made me go back to anniversary servers is the dual talent spec.
ANYTHING they wanna do in vanila and TBC from now on, Dual spec should ALWAYS be a part of it.
blitzme99: SOD is the best version of classic wow and its not even close. The biggest weakness of wow classic is so many unviable specs. SOD fixes this. I am very proud to be beta testing classic Plus and I really hope that more of you join us to if for nothing else but to show blizzard that this is where their energy should go instead of dividng the player base.
truthbw1: One thing to add to the context here for the 2019 classic release was what happened spring of 2020. I think that has to be taken into account when forecasting peak raid activity/participation on the anniversary realms.
RynoKenny: Fresh is too fast! I’m not 60 yet >.<
SoliiD: Cata became ridiculous for me since i get kicked from a party and get 30 minute cooldown because i dont know the heroic dungeon that good.. i cant learn it since i get kicked everytime.. so the fun melted away pretty fast
thome7318: The bad thing compared to private servers and actual vanilla is layering. The leveling zones are layered. So the 40 odd people in each zone are 5 to each layer over 8 layers. The zones feel so dead. Why layers apply to the whole world rather than just a couple of busy spots I will never know. Lucky I am playing with friends because the lack of player exposure in the zones is depressing. This is high pop by the way.
Private servers with increased spawn rates and the players kept together is so much nicer. Even vanilla where enough players in a zone would crash the servers would be preferable to me.
Classic a few years back didn't feel dead when leveling like this. It's like there are way more layers.
bfrick: It’s 2025 and I finish every sentence with a rising inflection
awolowiecki720: I’m loving the LFG tool on anniversary realms
cunix8721: SOD is so much fun now since u can get all the runes at level 1
mcfry13: I love the original classic and ESPECIALLY TBC. Made some life long friends there. Started playing during the OG WotLK and loved classic LK too, but didn't get to play as much as I wanted due to irl conflicts and commitments (I wanted to be super sweaty, but only broke half a sweat lol), but this was a great experience overall. I think im done, especially since all my friends stopped, but maybe I'll play again one day as a casual
EdgarClay: I will always be excited for classic and classic era. Through Wrath. (Tbc would be ideal)
seafoodsalad3356: was having fun on anniversary until i ran into swathes of bots, maddening.
blackyvertigo: these fresh servers have just been 2019 rehashed - including all of the complaints about warriors refusing to tank, people hard reserving belly button lint, general rudeness, etc.
if you want to have actual fun on a 'classic' server, SoD is where it's at. people are far, far more chill.
tchilst: First name terms with a spirit healer is an underrated line
htownand4746: are we ever gonna get legion classic?
andromidius: Cata is a good time. Not too much time investment, just about challenging enough that I can be social and be interested in mechanics at the same time. Good balance point for me.
SoD strikes me as being a half measure. A good idea that they didn't go far enough with. If people enjoy it - great. Personally I found it to be a bit soulless and bloated.
HamadAlMutairi97: Played Seasons of Discovery phase 1 only.... But came back recently and I love it!
Level 46 Human Warlock, will do Shaman next, Druid after and Warrior last.
Burgundeh: Dual specs on the anniversary server is clutch. Why this wasn't a part of the the original classic release idk. I get the no changes appeal but at the same time so many healthy changes for the game have been made over each classic iteration and it's like thise game was old when classic originally released. Did they not see some issues with the original game? Same with class balancing and itemization...
Jan 11 2025