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World of Warcraft Chronicle Volume 4 REVIEW

cvalerinv: Seeing Voljin on the cover reminds me how didrty they did him. He is still my warchief and he deserved better

Junglewarfare: cool stories but like with most chronicle books I'm not a fan of the retcons, PARTICULARLY of MoP and BFA. Also, the jailer explanation of what he was afraid of his just... LMAOO


Amplifymagic: It’s lore, from a certain point of view

MrLolguy93: How long before this is all retconned again?

ToastyFruitcake: Yessss Shadowlands lore confirmed unimportant to the overall story, thats all I wanted baybeeee

Fabriciod_Crv: i imagine after the WSS, shadowlands will get Medan'ed out of the warcraft universe

Shovelchicken: I give them 6 months until they declare this one non canon as well.

DaWoWzer: This Vol is actually a joke and such a spit in the face to lore fans, even more so than retconning these things into "titan's point of view" . all we wanted was a lore bible and they couldn't even produce that competently due to their disdain for the old fans and lore of the universe.

murasasme: Name a better duo than WoW and retconing their stories. Seriously I love Nobbel but the wow lore has been a joke for a while, it has no direction or purpose beyond random shit they come up with to sell books or salvage expansions.

aspiringnormie9499: Why anyone would buy these escapes me. They jacked it up from the jump. It's never been the conclusive lore it was sold as.


apacalypsagon3758: Are the elves still holding it against elune for the burning of teldrasil? Its a moon in the sky for crying out loud.

Jul 19 2024

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