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World of Warcraft Chris Metzen on World Creation Pyromancer Reacts

TheOriginalCameron: Thanks for reacting to my request! I love Metzen's dedication to the original intention and plan as much as he feasibly can.

trollbane66: I have been reading a lot more Cthulhu mythos, I never noticed the main god is named Azathoth who is sleeping. It sent me down a rabbit hole of connections to Warcraft. I knew the old gods were Lovecraft inspired, but I think the connections go much deeper than I ever realized.

AccidentlyHero: Someone should to share this old info session with Chris Metzen as a reminder to why, his perspectives of world building and immersive storytelling are vital, now more than ever.

RaveMasterSRB: Chris = RPG, Ion= MMO.

I hope Chris introduces more RPGs to retail. I love playing solo, role-playing through challenging and rewarding journeys across the world. I'm also tired of guilds, raids, and that one game aspect that squanders the incredible world-building of Warcraft by focusing all the dev resources on it.

selwrynn6702: I've been recently watching a bunch of the old interviews with the Vanilla WoW devs, one thing they talk about a lot is that Metzen was very flexible with the lore in WoW, the only things he had hard lines on was stuff that contradicted Warcraft 2 & 3, like he wanted a wild west dungeon in the Barrens before that later became Wailing Caverns & all sorts of stuff like that.

Pyro mentioned the quests & how people just skip through them today, back when WoW launched the meta for MMOs was that you'd level through grinding mobs, WoW totally changed that with having a fully questable journey to max level (though some of the quests had to be added post launch), in fact when they'd get EverQuest guys in to test the game they'd ignore the quests & just run straight to grinding mobs & they didn't find it fun, so the devs would have to ask them to try the quests and when thry did that it became enjoyable.

Also you see in this video how the quest text scrolls out, that was added to actually get the players to read the quests because it felt too flat to the devs when all the text popped up and you could hit accept immediately.

Also I think the RPG books were decannonized much later on because the Me'dan plotline sorta spiraled outta control, I figure if you basically just discount that whole section & the stuff that ties to it, that the rest of it could be pretty fairly still canon

thegamemattster: 1000% Chris appreciates the D&D aspects of WoW. It’s core to how you map a world as big as WoW.

jhArmBREaker: I know it is an old interview, and the images of the art and concept are really cool and fascinating. But one of the things that caught my eye and I couldn't help it, was that Draenor was labeled as The Red World.

xXGeko1Xx: He’s got a D&D style role play game he created while he was “retired”

val1n: I have to admit, there was a time in my life where I was not reading any quest text. And yes, at some point I even had an addon that automatically accepted all quests so that I didn't even have to click on the accept quest button.

But during the last maybe five years I changed dramatical in this point. Today I will read every quest text, every book, every flavour text, even on quests I completed multiple times.

Jul 11 2024

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