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World of Warcraft Anniversary Event Activities and What to Farm PTR Guide


olebrumme6356: Blizzard love the FOMO.

tmanook: For those that don't know: FOMO = Fear of Missing Out.

Amg799: Thank you Soul. Will definitely participate in the “have a pizza” part

Mcfarad595: I believe the ensemble cost goes down after you buy the first.

MrLolguy93: Since the Bronze celebration tokens can be sent by Warband, does it also mean that the quests can be repeated by different characters and every one of them will get those Celebration tokens?

brianmichael1991: Awesome. Thank you soul

renanaraujo6663: Can i sell "lil'doom hilt" or put him in a cage?

PillsburyNinjaKneadingJustice: I heard from another video that the tier 2 ensembles get cheaper the more you buy. So hopefully only the first one is 80, the. 70 or 60 after, etc

goodkat9623: icy-veins is also claiming Obsidian Worldbreaker will be available for 20 Bronze Celebration Tokens from pet vendor.

Sep 24 2024

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