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Why You No Longer Need A Main in The War Within! World of Warcraft

peanotbuttercop6890: They finally understand: "Respect player time" - And now that's more forgiven to play other classes we might see more tanks and healers

GHIBaal: I played DPS for ever.

And recently discovered that Tanking is the GOAT

All Tanks to 70 leveled up and now getting a feeling for each Tank.

But playing different Classes is key to staying motivated and building knowlege about all other Classes.

Polyglotz: Been a Druid for 20 years. Dabbled in DK, and Warlock for MOP. And tried other new classes and hero classes, but always go back to a Druid.

MrGjerdalen: I feel ya bro. Same here. Im a PvE / PVP(Arena,BG and World) / Collector / Transmog kinda guy. Been on playing since classic (Mainly since TBC) I always switch between classes because of I get bored very fast. On the positive side, its a good thing when it comes to pvp. I know each of the setups, spells, abilities for each class and know how to counter them. I havent played the beta, but im also gonna stick with my SV hunter because it has been my "main" since WOTLK. Love every aspect, fantasy and theme of survival, since I only play solo these days.

nippijuju: It's called ADHD

TheArmouryOfficial: I found your channel because of the SV content you've been dishing out and I am one of those people that LOVED SV since the rework, I played the spec since legion but have always been forced to switch to a tank/healer in order to do content with my core group of friends. It seems that I only get to enjoy the spec when my friends eventually quit the expansion lol.

And I am 100% the type of player you're describing in this video. At the start of Legion, i was gun-ho about "maining" my outlaw rogue and then I got ganked by a survival hunter in the wild and immediately rerolled. It's a running gag in my friend group that ill reroll once someone bests me in WPVP.

mirandelf: Sure you have a main. It’s that big ass toothy pet. He appears with every one of your hunters

DanWeidert: You mentioned you were not sure what content to put on this site. I do have a suggestion for whatever content you settle on. The title is "Why You No Longer Need A Main in The War Within! " but it is nearly 9 1/2 minutes into the video before you start mentioning the why. Less bark, more bite

Meerkatx5: As long as you're not raiding with a set group, switch as much as you want. It's only frowned upon when you are relying on your team to gear up all your characters as the cost of your groups progression.

SoiYa: that mog on your first hunter is sick !

AsmergadorTV: Dont feel bad I alternate my characters too no real main character so you do you

Jun 26 2024

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