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Why Dracthyr? A Compilation of Flawless Reasons World of Warcraft

pokemonduck: Crazy that Orasi is still playing

DE-XEQVX: You are all welcome for Orasi's appearance! I am Nakedorc in the video! I basically spammed Orasi to get her ass on and to get off of Alliance side. Love y'all!

sharlockshacolmes9381: "Why *any other race*" sounds like a question toward the viewers, "why drachtyr?" sounds like a question directed toward Blizzard for creating them

Claudeteh: I missed those so much, I love your videos Kakio

mollyh2629: as soon as i saw the two elfs i just smiled so wide lololol that timing too. i miss these types of videos. Hope you get back into these at some point. i miss your rag tag group of people rp'ing and giving many laughs.

Liyern: I love the race but that's exactly my gripe with Dracthyr, their lack of beeing able to use transmogs. It sucks. Finding a belt every time praying it has "3D" elements so it show up on your dracthyr and I hate how the visage just looks like a scaled elf, I wish they'd just give the ability to "visage" ourselves into the other existing playable races like dragons do.

abyssalserpent3679: I really wish Dracthyr had other visage forms, like any race of your choice that pertains to the faction you're in but without their racials for balance reasons. Like in the Alliance I'd love for my Dracthyr to have a Gnome be his visage form (don't judge me!) or in the Horde for my Dracthyr there to be a Troll in his visage form.

Gormathius: 1) Expand dracthyr body bulk range to go up to 8 or something.

2) Give other races the option too, because having more body shapes available for every race would be cool.

mirakil7636: Dracthyr are a huge load of wasted potential, and downright laziness from Blizzard. It's a cool idea, made utterly mediocre. They'll never fix it either, because that'd require them to admit they made a mistake in the first place.

Bebop1811: There is no excuse for dracthyr tier sets to not work on the lizard form

operationmisanthropia5831: Its so unfortunate that Horde RP kinda died down alot due to some controversies around the Vulpera as well as the PCU some years ago and didnt recover fully.

Similar as Alliance RP got a bit further spread out due to more hubs and communities opening up.

Love those videos, they brought me to RP honestly

Sophie-uwu1: if they would add tmog customization for dragon form, then dracthyr would be top tier imo

TheTanTiger: Orasi showing up was absolutely legendary, welcome back Kakio

Funky_Student: Welcome back, Kakio.

Personally, i like playing as a Dracthyr. I just wish that when im in Dragon form more of my transmog would show

Malphiten1: As a Dracthyr player myself my only big minus point is the Transmog. To match the colour of the race-armor with existing item-armor is a pain in the ass.

And wb Kakio :D

erza3435: who up playin with their dracthyr

God_is_a_High_School_Girl: Playing Dracthyr reminds me of how badly I want other classes to have support specs so that I don't have to play Dracthyr.

thefelring2817: Da vodoo be cray cray !!

Second !

SpaceElvisInc: 100% agree my fear is not being called a scaleie its having no drip

LordXius: Where's the alliance side of the report!? The worgens need to complain how another race got tails before em!

lampreysonaboat: I actually really love the Dracthyr, but Blizzard definitely did not give them the best spotlight they could have, reducing them to one class at the time, revealing them to us in a very... unflattering? Way? The original images they presented us with do not sell the Dracthyr very well. Also their visage forms are just More Elves [what I wouldn't do to have a troll visage form!!]. Another problem with them is definitely the transmog limitations too lmao, I refuse to believe there's no way Blizzard can't make transmog work on their Dracthyr forms.

kiri6335: As an blue dragonflight fangirl, thats playing on the horde side, i love the dracthyr! They gave me the possibility to have an human (or half elf) visage like Kalecgos and thanks to the change to use tarecgosas visage without the staff, i can role play as a blue dragon :) Also, glide is super fun!! But ill be honest, i dont care much about the dracthyr form itself because of the known issues.

lordstarscreamy329: as an active dracthyr player, I definitely agree with your presented criticism, esspecially if it comes to their bodies, I don't mind them beeing on a more sleek side, but I eventually realized, that I strongly dislike the overly long legs. horrible.

at least Orasi is doing fine :)

chosmal1: I personally love them. Yeah creating matching mog from a shoulder, weapon, belt and their barber armor is hard as hell, but I like messing with it. Also creating them in a way that clearly shows if I wanted "male" or "female" is fun. Overall I've made 5 Dracthyr this expansion and I'm not going to stop at that probably.

yoannbelleville7763: As a non player wit ha passion for warcraft lore, I kinda like the concept of the Drakthyr. Sure, they could be more buffed and wear more armor, but their magic is cool and unique. Combinning all the dragon flights's powers into one clas is a very interesting idea. I would like to see a similar class for the Pandarens with the August Celestials or the Zandalari Trolls with the Loa.


Jan 12 2025

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