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Who Will Run WoW, Dispelling Warband Myths And How 2024 Will Look Warcraft Weekly

katzicael: Dragonflight was the antibiotic for the infection that was Shadowlands and it's nastiness.
sozellicus: Dragonflight has kept me wanting to play continuously. That hasn’t happened since… Wrath for me.
PatrickF.Fitzsimmons: Dragonfligtht was to settle things down and it worked. nothing amazing but nothing terrible. I can't wait for war within, been playing since day 1 and its given me a new excitement.
Canty117: Time for my only source of level-headed WoW news

The last time I was this early my girlfriend told me it was okay and it happens to lots of guys.
Johan-yd8ly: I was juggling between grinding my main’s ilvl and leveling alts for an ever growing army to do the 7 things before the buffs hit. Now it finally feels like the event is where it should be, my main capped a few days after the buff, and doing the dailies on my alts feels genuinely rewarding. I’ve gotten all the event mounts and heroic and mythic appearance, working on clearing out the rest of the vendors now.
josephflannery9015: Ion really deserves a huge promotion. The guy has been steering the ship for a very long time. With or without Metzen he did a great job himself.
jalzahn4404: I've been having fun with Remix. I've gotten almost everything that I want. I'm working on mounts and some achievements.

It does feel weird playing the standard game after being in Remix. Leveling feels incredibly slow.
PeterTeehan: If we are going to have shorter windows in between new expansions, my hope is that we will have at least one remix event within that xpac. Remix was a breath of fresh air, even if it did start off rocky at first sight. It's a nice break from the daily grind and a fun play style.
JeramieRankin: I really loved the flow of dragonflight. The only singular thing I do not like is seasonal gear. I hate getting a full set of gear as maxed as I can get it only to have to do it all over again season four I didn’t even bother.
debrahockenberry5440: I loved the pace they kept for new content. I didn't love all of it but most of it was great!
HeidiBullard: I've gotten my remix character to the point where I can blow through dungeons and raids, but I will wait for the rest of the group if I'm in one. I figure it's only polite, and I'll kill everything so that we can all get all the lovely bronze. Or just in case someone else in the group gets in trouble I can go back quickly.

Jun 21 2024

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