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Which Tank Should You Play in WoW Remix?

isaiascandido8497: Guys, it's just a leveling and cosmetic farming event. Play anything you want and don't give a damn about rankings or tier lists.

Verdis_deMosays: Wake up, babe, new Llarold video dropped!

vidarthearchon5426: I love you Llarold, but I'll be honest as a fellow tank player I just do not dig how utterly boring Prot warrior is rotationally and I've been listening to you for multiple expansions now, but I just don't jive with Prot like you do. I don't think you mentioned the fact that gems will circumvent most tank issues at all (Including Blood Mobility, Prot Warrior's ST, Bear threat, Veng's lack of threat outside cds, BrMs issues with snap threat). That said this list is a little too biased to what you enjoy rather then giving an unbiased look at what tanks would bring to the table. There is as lot of I don't like this spec or this just isn't as fun or isn't as complete as Prot warrior in the conversation that killed this video for me. You make good points about the differences of tier sets, but I feel that you are overemphasizing a leveling experience that we have been told is accelerated.

That said I do think Prot will be good, but I think you are overvaluing the class due to your bias. I am just a random person, but every single tank should be 100 percent viable, especially with the introduction gems that provide borrowed powers. I really wouldn't give a single edge to any of the other tanks in this event.

ChrisTehKiller169: heavily disagree with vengeance aoe threat, you can leap into a glyph of flame and pick up strays with throw glaive, then there is spirit bomb, soul cleave, fel devestation, almost every spell we have is cleave and i have never had issues with threat on veng dh.

BoundlessBoredom: Notice me, algorithm-senpai

angelrodriguez-tb8ux: better leveling something that you dont have

3ssenti4L: I'm leveling a Kultiran prot war atm!

johnwarner4178: You mentioned DPS but you left off healing specs which make Druid, Monk and/or Pally my pick since you can do it all with one class and then get to alts if you want

That_kind_of_orc: Play blood dk it's unique and fun tank with a cool fantasy you sustaining yourself in a face of onslaught with death and blood and with a 2h weapon in hands

Paul-jo6xj: I think the Quick Strike gem is going to synergize with ret paladin in amazing ways with crusading strikes talent to utilize auto attacks. What other synergies do you all think are going to shine?

May 19 2024

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