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When WOW banned player for their own mistake wow worldofwarcraft shorts

jameslemon9544: I would never tell a soul. But there would be signs. Murlocs everywhere would die instantly on spawn.

stijndebacker9985: The sword of a thousand truths

bentobul5932: If I ever got an item like that, no one would have ever known.

paul123703: Damn Blizzard ignoring backlash? Sounds Familliar.

brave_towel9045: If I got an item like that, I’d probably sell it to a merchant for 6 silver without reading the description first

Mennoth123: You missed out the whole part where they used the item to claim several world first completions for raids. Something that is hotly contested in the WoW community to the point there are competitions with sponsorships and prizes to get them. It wasn't just a "few raids" it was a whole competition and massive game event they fucked up by using the item.

LawlietNote: What backlash ? They kept buying subscriptions right ? ..... so noone did nothing because of this, and nothing is changed cause of it... there

travisdeppe9172: the guild did not get banned to cover up a mistake. They were banned for exploiting a mistake and griefing other players and gaining an unfair advantage.

timkokesh1968: You neglected that the description of the item literally said “Cheater”. What did that guild EXPECT was going to happen?

randalftheblack2572: They werent banned for receiving it.. They were banned for abusing it.

victory4history: I was getting my professions fixed in BC. When I logged back on, my character was completely invisible to other players. I went around the Sunwell island killing alliance on my Undead rogue. Got put to sleep 2 hours later. GM said looks like you’ve been having some fun. Only got a 30 minute ban. So they could fix the issue.

johndoenews1642: The item might have been given by accident, but the player knew he never was supposed to have it and used it knowingly to gain an advantage to other players.

I might have done the same if it happened to me, but I would accept the punishment if I got caught.

Demonsouls1993: Dont matter if blizzard gave ir by accident the player and guild still used it over letting blizzard know

codyray3344: They didn't ban an entire guild to hide their mistake, the guild knowingly used an op dev item they recied by mistake to speed through raids and get loot they didn't earn even getting world firsts. As a stop gap measure they temperarily banned everyone from the guild who was on at the time of the incident so they could investigate and take appropriate actions, like removing the dev item and ill-gotten raid loot and giving perma bans to the one who used the item.

theOrkinman09: Someone accidentally gives you a handgun and you use it to rob several gas stations. The player wasn't forced into using that item to cheat.

gunnand5923: You know how you give them legitimate backlash for something you don't like? Cancel your sub and don't purchase any more Blizzard products / services. I've been a wow player since cataclysm originally launched. Every single day over the years I constantly see people complaining about half of what Blizzard does, but doing nothing about it. Just like when the character boosts came out towards the end of MoP. Everyone complained about it, but they STILL bought the boosts and kept playing the game. Now years later, the boost is expected in each new expansion. The WoW token came out and it hurt the economy on servers because you could, through Blizzard themselves, buy gold. People complained about that but did nothing. It's a cycle that the players have the ability to end, but they refuse to. Either do something about it, or quit complaining. Blizzard makes a lot of money from the game. Imagine if in the course of a week, that profit dropped to $0. Off course they would fix it. Want the game to be good? Refuse to give them money until they fix the problem, THEN come back. Don't keep giving them money while you complain, because of course they won't change anything. Why would they when they already have your money

Jun 26 2024

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