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When the dps finally figures out how to interupt wow worldofwarcraft warcraft

Onslaught516: Interrupted my rotation

LeiRaion: Holy hell, he's reached the bare minimum team

dylank.4498: “Einhorn is Finkle. Finkle is Einhorn. Einhorn is a man! Oh my god! Einhorn is a man!”

david21289: In this day and age? I would sooner get invincible drop for me than find a dps like this.

TheRexTera: “…but then I have to finger ballet my way all the way to my interrupt key”

Byrdo-x7g: The art is to know what spell to interrupt and what to let through at some point

GNDagatt: Dps' are just so simple, yet their mouth is the biggest.

TheNicoBozo: I tanked in WotLK and would always have my 2 interrupt on cooldown because no one else was interrupting. The boss will one shot you, yes you, the Mage who can stop this from happening by pressing a single button

spetsu1: Interrupting is a dps loss. Someone else can do it.

kaltra: Golpear lo que te diga el hekili y esquivar y cortar lo que te diga el dbm. Wow el mejor videojuego.

blaxtopolition7140: Literally been playing since BFA and I finally learned to rub two brain cells together

Oct 22 2024

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