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What Blizzard Can Learn from Turtle WoW

ephemeraldreams2614: TurtleWoW is the best WoW experience out there rn and it's not even close

socklips7655: Bro, Blizz just added a $100 mount to their store. The soul you're begging them to put back into the game is long gone. I'm going to check out Turtle WoW though.

GarredHATES: I don't think blizzard is capable of this kind of passion lol

Sam-Collins: Turtle WoW was the reason why I quit WoW (Classic and Retail) and I was finally off Bizzard's hook

Turtle WoW is basically everything I wanted and loved about WoW

Kilroy098: Just started Turtle last week. What a breath of fresh air it has been. Can’t see myself going back to Blizzard’s BS.

TheRealClaylex: Wow, I've NEVER heard of this before

Might give it a go since I've always wanted to try a private WoW server that's basically WoW classic

Edit: Wow! So many kind/positive people want me to give it a shot! Okay I will!

TheCynicalJay: THIS. Is EXACTLY what I've wanted for FIFTEEN YEARS.

If Blizzard never figures this out I'll just never go back. If they ever try taking this down I will forever disown anything they make, absolutely.

It's time we find the passion in gaming again, and modern Blizzard just has no clue. If they figure it out I will wholeheartedly give them another chance, I just don't believe it's possible.

Rhonndel: TBH never seen such a well done private server. All the custom content, voice acting and items. Always called Turtle Wow the real Classic

SystemChips: Been playing TurtleWoW for over a year and honestly been the best WoW experience I've ever had. Picked retail up again when TWW dropped and went right back to Turtle after two weeks.

-ShiraZen-: Hey, some of my homies are in the video! Shout out to the Turtle RP community!

If you're even vaguely interested in Roleplaying, Turtle has an amazing RP scene - extremely beginner friendly and generally speaking most RP guilds are friendly with each other. Having the Game Masters directly support our RP events by spawning in mobs or props is HUGE for us and it's awesome.

As a long term Turtle vet who's been playing Turtle for 3-4 years (BIASED TWoW ANDY!) I can say that it is genuinely the best WoW experience that you can find. I have multiple toons with over a thousand hours each doing heavy RP, questing, end-game raiding, world bossing -- basically every piece of content and because of the community and the WORLD of Warcraft it's amazing.

I'm not going to speak on any upcoming changes because lots of people are a bit worried that they will break the "Vanilla" part of "Vanilla " but I'm optimistic!

Martin5rof: TurtleWoW reinvigorated my passion for the game. The server is not without its flaws but the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.

thorbeorn4295: TurtleWow is my new home. Blizzard just can't do it right.

Kavou: You simply cannot play retail classic after trying Turtle WoW or HC, it is simple the best WoW Classic Plus experience out there right.

pactamaxa31: Bro, they gonna make nelves priests use bows. Just like Tyrande, that's so lore-wise cool

RocketeerRaccoon: Turtle WoW is what WoW should have been, making new zones and quests that are not just for high level players, all while staying true to Warcraft lore and keeping the spirit of Vanilla, and adding things that should have been in Vanilla. Honestly, it's hilarious that a private server run by fans care more about WoW than Blizzard do.

Medivh154: Even Blizzard Devs are playing TurtleWoW because even they know its better then their Game :^)

flambelk4489: It baffles me that a group of random people can do Classic better than Blizzard

davorm1430: Playing there for quite some time now. Consistent 5k population at all times. Played wow classic in 2019 and this experience is miles ahead. No gdkp, no RMT, no bots.

davidt0912: NO WAY TURTLE GOT NIXXIOM TO VOICE ACT???!!! OMG huge grats dude!!! thats so cool.

JT-ji6rx: Turtle and Ascension have somehow raised the bar that Blizzard can’t reach anymore.

hugao26: i'm staring right now, 1st time on Turtle! Good ol' reliable dwarf priest <3

juansoto4149: Fine... I will log in tonight and play turtle wow. Gonna lvl a High Elf Paladin.

EdyGlockenspiel: Not sexually assaulting your employees to the point they commit suicide, not stealing breast milk. Not having 75% of the "player" base be comprised of bots, not selling pay to win stuff on the store. Just a few things Blizzard could take from Turtle WoW.

ninnoofthelastunicorn2693: To give my review on Turtle WOW:

They made paladins actually playable. 10/10

thargs9184: the question you asked"what can blizzard learn from Turtle Wow" is a good one, but the more accurate question would be"Can blizz put aside their ego and listen to what fans have done and willing to learn from it"

radimhora2898: I first got into wow 6 years ago. I started with Retail and it was a good game. Then I tried Classic and I realized why WoW was the thing it was back in the day and I got the feel of nostalgia even though I never played it when I was younger. Then I jumped on the hype train of Classic and awaited SoD which was okay I guess?.. Then I found out about Turtle wow and after few months being sceptical about it I tried it.. and it was and still is the best wow experience I've ever had. I've never played Vanilla and the first expansions so I can't compare Twow to that but I genuinely believe that Twow is the best experience a player who likes vanilla can have today. The community is awesome, the custom content is unrecognizable from the original one and the upcoming class changes are in my opinion great. If you are someone who is looking for Classic or someone who just wants to recapture the nostalgia of Vanilla I think there is no better place than Twow.

VerdictLovesYou: Turtle WoW is found on the premise of love for Classic, Blizzard's Classic is found on the premise of making money from it. They WILL NEVER be able to make us love it, they simply look at money first.

matthewhilty4209: I like the Turtle WOW concept for the idea of game preservation(with bug fixes), but have not played yet . I guess I will take a look.

yatesie90: Alright ill concede, been putting it off for too long as I don't like playing private servers because they can be taken down anytime but I've loved the look on this one for a while so I will be downloading and giving it a good go soon. Thank you nixx

gaburierusan8179: Turtle wow will launch even a mobile client next year

BobbyFlay14: a new patch coming in very shortly also! some class balances. and a new kara 40 raid! i play on the pvp server. small community thats rising everyday! good time to level ready for hd patch

nexeus7302: One of the old devs who was working back in 2004 WoW vanilla is in TWoW team now. They are going for absolute quality.

Oct 28 2024

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