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We made Destiny 2 Players try World of Warcraft for the First Time...

venezuela2123: You know it’s getting bad, when the “Mr.BossFTW” of Destiny is playing something else other than Destiny. Destiny is slowly dying. RIP.

masofade69: Lerooooooooy Jen-kins!!!!!

wheely7879: Not gonna lie I’m kinda sad they chose alliance

slashthe2nd: Seems like all the big destiny youtubers are playing WoW now

derekarmstrong1961: That’s a lie, I can’t play WoW. Or ever I will. I have 80% paralyzed left hand so I can’t use keyboard for movement. Not unless Blizzard makes it where they have officially controller support. No 3rd party support or anything like. Just like how ffxiv have official controller support and their controller support is really nice.

AlexEatsCats: Next get the pvp content creators playing a real competitive game like cs:go.

ShawnCombs: I was a WOW addict for 6 years. Just after the changes to Star Wars Galaxy our clan moved to WOW great game @Blizzard.

Pdsbajkerkos: This feels like i stepped in a parallel universe or something

jeremybayes8730: Someone needs a dps counter lol..

Also Arms is more fun!!!

asyncionbarron9305: alliance!? sad day...but glad your trying out wow though..

ChampionXofficial: Yes more wow would be cool only if ya like it tho I've been on a wow kick myself haven't touched d2 in a long time

Sep 08 2024

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