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Undermine is Not to Code ft. Nixxiom World of Warcraft

colepuckett1997: Its crazy that Blizzard just made Detroit the patch

NixxiomOnYouTube: I don't see what the big controversy is, really. Undermine seems like a perfectly safe and reasonable place to take your family this summer for vacation. I'm sure grandpa would love a relaxing dip in a radioactive sludge river. The tentacles and extra eyes he would grow would make him feel young again!

Ar1AnX1x: nixxiom's old wow machinimas are some of the best wow content ever made


crendor: Wow! This is the 2nd best Blizzard video ever! The New Years Eve video from last month is clearly the best - just something about it.

hault360: A pleasant surprise that they chose a creator that hasn't played retail in years and is on record saying he isn't a fan of goblins in WoW

undeathmetal1717: Not even a cameo from his Nelf DK? RIP.

DeadAmine: we need a date

teej143: LOL this is actually hilarious, well-written and well-delivered by Nixxiom


Nyxcha: Where is Nixxiom? i dont see our favorite night elf death knight.

AnthonyD8676: The trees had me dying

aramere3650: I love how Nixxiom is just WoW Ryan Reynolds

johnbutryn4175: Awesome! They got Nixxiom on here.

ProjectOsore: Nixxiom is a Death Knight

Buff Blood DK

Samuloxxx: Wow, great seeing Nixxiom here. I thought it was video on his chanel when it gave me a recommendation

SamMathewsOfficial: I went on the PTR last night and the zone is looking really good! The music is sooooo good, the zone vibe is awesome! The DRIVE car is WAY better than it was and is super fun!

age_of_decadence: Didn't Nixxiom got bored of the game and quit?

BarefootonBricks: Nixxiom just ramped up my excitement for this patch!

yaboym9631: To sum it all up, make sure to wash your hands

redpilled9454: Goblins are small but resilient from living in all their toxins and pollution.

MissFaerlynn: It's weird to see Nixxiom on official WoW channel considering he's been pushing addons that are strictily against TOS of the game for so many years... I guess rules mean nothing anymore.

MeandMonkeyLP: Really disheartened by Nixxiom, a guy that happily has people in his discord server slinging slurs and antisemitic sentiments being featured on your official channel

Greneer16: so what's the date?

karelhemala5699: "Hi, I am Nixxiom... biggest hater of retail wow that ever lived"... Seriously Blizz? This guy?

Feb 12 2025

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