myne5689: hes clearly enjoying himself lol
mklizzar: caught enjoying wow in 4k.
stefbtw355: league players discover game that makes their mental health not decline:
HittokiriBattousai17: He's having the time of his life
Ruzie_0: Play it long enough and you will learn to hate it.
alexalex-gs9sp: the thing about league and other pvp games, is that there is always a losing side, playing a pve game nobody losses (unless you die) but you dont get tilted dying to mobs since its either your fault something u could have done better, or just you took a bad fight, compared to dying to other human beings dying to something you could have avoided feels much better.
adfadfewfrewafawefaw: caught
radshi: The most fun part are the raids. He doesn’t even know it
TH-dg2mm: League players when they find out there's games you can play that don't give you brain cancer
Jackl87: No surprise. He also enjoys LoL which is a dumbed down version of Dota, so he also enjoys WoW.
Jan 08 2025