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TOP 5 Ways To Get Ready For The War Within! Do This Before Launch World of Warcraft

ben_ger1988: every expansion there are videos like this... YOU DONT NEED TO DO ANYTHING TO GET "RDY" for a new expansion! The best thing to do is dont paly wow for a while so you really enjoy coming back.

bj4063: I think bullions have been capped at 12?

Minno86: Burnt… out??

FiddyWoow: Tip #1 doesn't work for me if i just unlocked my dragon riding skill... means i am very behind because i just started to play wow again 2 weeks ago

LodvarDude: I’m on a vacation on a Greek island. That’s how I «get ready». I bet I’ll be ready too.

Aikicyoaz: I just came back from years of hiatus, tired of dps, scared to heal as it is going to require even more knowledge and management since tanks lost a lot, tanks just got walked, rip to enjoying wow for me.

DaytonaRoadster: Imagine playing WoW

Imagine paying money to blizzard

Leslie-hg6wl: I've been slowing down dramatically for the past few weeks to avoid burnout. I've managed to collect most of what I set out to get for this season. Great advice.

Gimpo925: bullions are capped at 12 though, so if you already got 12 then you cant get anymore except the weekly quest, which the last one starts on july 30th.

Jul 21 2024

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