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Top 10 Hardest Raid Bosses In Vanilla WoW

ChessJew: The toughest raid boss of Vanilla: Frame rate and Internet connections. I played on such a potato that I had to point my camera at my feet while tanking.

professionalhater3929: A classic mad season video

p0rtugazz: You forgot about Undercity elevator Boss

M1ntberrycrunch: How have I never known that Loatheb is an anagram for healbot omg

camma12: God damn I've never been burnt so many times less than 60 seconds into a video

SaveYourself666: Hardest boss was mom telling me to go to bed :/

charlestonjew7587: In general, I don't think it can be stressed enough the difficulty of simply coordinating 40 people, each with their own specific tasks and abilities in a relatively tight room, during a time when WoW was the antithesis of optimized for the average PC and when dial-up was still widely used and at best, broadband was around 15Kbps, to say nothing of having 40 people on Ventrillo at the same time. Some raid encounters were downright slideshows of a framerate. It's amazing we managed to successfully clear some of these raids, tbh.

It also sucked that a lot of guilds that were even working AQ40 and Naxx had a very small window before The Burning Crusade dropped and did away with 40-mans altogether.

5chr4pn3ll: I would throw in Viscidus, even in Classic WoW that was a very tricky boss, for regular guilds.

Spectacular66: I started playing WoW too late to see vanilla raids in all their glory. I used to love hearing the stories from the seasoned raiders who used to tackle these bosses.

mcfarvo: The "your mom" jokes at the beginning undercut what I presume will be many comments haha

etheydocbaulderock5400: 10/10 old school madseason video

Chorge: My guild wiped night one for 3 hours on razorgore. We were stuck on this boss for 2 weeks only to be stuck again for 2 more weeks on the next boss, vael, idk how we didn't implode.

ProffessorDrPatrick: For Horde Saphiron was WAYYY more difficult than Kel'Thuzad because Shamans suddenly had to press other spells than Chain Heal.

fairweathertrains3029: Damn I wasnt expecting so much burn before it even started! Never change ChadSeason

allisonseamiller: Another video idea: vanilla zone transitions. I remember back then one of the most immersive things about WoW was that I could walk whole continents with no loading screens, and they did some unique things with transitions between zones. Some only had one or two set paths in and out, like Dun Morogh to Loch Modan, but I remember vividly that I could cross from Elywnn to Duskwood at any point over that river, those two areas were fully connected, not just a single tunnel or road,

deepstothepeeps: While I wouldn't say he's as mechanically complex as the bosses on this list, Vael was tough to execute, back in the day. I distinctly recall spending many more hours/weeks on getting Vael down than Razorgore. In fact, the first boss I had ever heard referred to as a raid, or guild, killer was Vael. The precise tank swaps and threat control required by the raid made it quite difficult, not to mention the time limit and people just blowing up all over the place.

shyguy1558: he's bacckk

Aug 23 2024

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