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Tirisfal Glades Remastered World Of Warcraft Classic Cinematic

MrGlennJohnsen: It's odd that these videos show how I experienced WoW for the first time almost 20 years ago, this must be what rose-tinted glasses are.

brav0wing: Ah, the memories as an undead rogue leveling in Tirisfal Glades!

This is precious...

Thank you for this!


imgrimbur: Perfection. Down to the last minute detail.

daggerfall96: Bro, it looks amazing! i wish that one day Blizzard will make a new WoW, which will look like this.

SinCityVillain: The Undead are my favorite race and the entire starting zone is my favorite. This is really amazing to see. So much more than cartoony and brighter, this is dark and terrifying and imagining yourself walking through here gives you chills. Incredible!

bobbywalsh648: Scariest part was the the elevator at the end

MikeOxmellsGrimm: these just get better and better. what a sick channel

100Predator: Wow imagine real life you take the zeppelin from orgrimmar and landing here for the first time... Mad respect

studio1798: Makes being part of the Scarlett Crusade even more badass

TBEasyC: The Tirisfal Glades music is so hauntingly beautiful.

triplez5595: I wish they made a huge serie with these visuals and sound.

chost_rider: Похоронный звон и Брилл!, я не плачу, ностальгия в глаз попала

LordOfSweden: <3 I miss all the great dudes (and gals) I met through my travels in WoW! Those were the times, man! Sad we will never get a game like that again. Well, who knows. One can hope. I started WoW in Closed beta and played til Wrath.

Nov 02 2024

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