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This is World of Warcraft in Unreal Engine 5

fomod_: Oh boy I sure hope the bad vers didn't get posted

turtlewow: We appreciate the feedback, regardless of if you're a fan of the new Modern look or not. We will have a 1:1 Legacy mode with the same exact graphics as the old client for anyone who isn't interested in the Unreal Engine 5 graphics.

TheBaronBJ: I don't think that their primary interest in moving the game to unreal 5 is for the graphics. I think the real appeal would likely be that they could far more easily create original content. Very few people can create anything that would work in WoW quickly or easily, however if you're dealing with the U5 engine the number of people who'd be capable of working on the project expands exponentially. Literally thousands of times more people have the skillset, and in a coding environment that's almost certainly easier and more efficient to work with. That's not even mentioning the documentation.

vytis47: t-wow is all I play even tho I have a WoW sub. It's literally what we wanted classic /SoD to be... classic WoW, with some minor fixes for things like shadow priest and ret paladins, a few extras here and there, new zones and additions to existing zones. Wetlands having a dwarven town etc. Just fleshes out classic so well!

hououinkyouma1488: The reason why Turtle WoW and Ascension are popular is because Blizzard doesn't offer that type of gameplay in their own version of the game. I would love to play a real Classic made by Blizzard but until then I will just stick with Turtle WoW and Project Epoch

Nathan-de9yl: This was honestly a big miss by the boys. The cool shaders and lighting is the "selling point" but not why they are doing it. They are doing it because it will make modding 1.12 1000% easier to do which will allow them to not only make an implement custom content easier, but also make things that were previously impossible to do with wow's engine now possible. They gave some examples. But being about to more easily make content, implement the content, edit the world map and more is why they are doing this.

They basically just did no research and shit on the unfinished "updated graphics" which I agree are not something I am super excited for (YOU CAN JUST NOT USE THEM). But the amazing custom vanilla content this server puts out and the prospect of it becoming 10x easier for them to do by switching engines and becoming unshackled by the old client's limitations is the important take away and they completely missed it. As well as this edging their work closer to being "transformative". There are many HUGE implications of this that are worth discussing even if you are someone who doesn't like how it looked, like me. Or if they didn't wanna discuss the server because it is a fan server they could have talked about what this could mean if applied to modern wow (meaning a whole new engine even if it was a new in house engine).

Like if doing something like this would make developing WoW and the classic era of things like seasons easier to do instead of trying to work on a ramshackle of the currently retail engine (Generally one expansion behind) and using a lot of code from over a decade ago must greatly increase production time and chance for major issues. What would an entirely new WoW engine look like? Is it time for a new WoW engine as this one is just an ancient engine that has just been updated over and over again. Imagine how much tech debt retail wow's engine has.

Honestly very disappointed in this channel for this poorly researched and thought out video that really just makes a mockery of one of the only teams out there putting out true vanilla content that stays faithful to the design of the game. Would have really liked to see better from Bellular..

Cyniv0: Objectively hilarious title.

TrampyPulsar: "World of Warcraft is supposed to be a super cartoony look"

Nah, that was engine limitations of early 2000s 3D. Especially when you can have hundreds or thousands of players taking up a single space you have to be able to render all those polygons without melting GPUs

The cartoony look came with later iterations, especially after MOP and Hearthstone, which ruined the vibes of the franchise as a whole. Its why I refer to modern WOW as World of Hearthstone, and with good reason. In fact WOW was supposed to have everquest style darkness at a certain point but was scrapped because they realized most people would be playing in the evenings.

I will say though. WOW is woefully out of date and needs a refresh with a modern engine. Turtle is doing its own thing and I applaud them, though I wish they would actually go the full monte and start developing their own universe on the side to build their own IP and MMO off of, because these fan projects, no matter how great, are always under the threat of lawsuit shutdowns.

Shippo1337: Turtle Hype! Turtle Hype!

cmkarlav855: While not a 1:1 match for the style of WoW, I think Turtle WoW is one of the best matches for the style while introducing things like atmospheric lighting, higher res textures, more polys, etc

jakey1178: Love this version

Jul 18 2024

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