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THIS is Coming Way Sooner Than You Think for Classic WoW

emilwetterlindhofgard5182: You and Wille made like the exact same video. I have a feeling you guys know something we don’t

cococock2418: The future of classic is true classic plus being the main draw, with vanilla--->tbc---->wrath rotating servers on the side. And these would of course NOT be "no changes" versions. Things like chronoboons in vanilla and catch up currencies in wrath that were made during the classic reboots would be included. Other than that, everything pre-nerf at least for a good while in terms of raids. The numbers/raid logs show that WOTLK is the limit in terms of what the classic player base wants to deal with in terms of raid difficulty/structure, as there was a massive drop off in these logs in cata going forward, so there is no need to go any further than wrath.

Anything else is garbage. This way, any lulls in classic plus are immediately filled by the rotation vanilla/tbc/wrath servers. No one wants just another fresh no changes vanilla server. Go play private servers or era with the other 5 people in the world who want that if that's what you want, the rest of us don't have access to what we want.

Jvstm: Honestly the best way forward is Classic to TBC to Wrath and when the next expac comes out just make a new fresh realm for actual Classic because, frankly, it's the only version of the game worth a shit. TBC was alright

Cozmoz79: Classic IF done right would be appreciated by many fans. But it has to be made by a dedicated and devoted dev team. Any half-assed approach won't work. Even tho I hope we get a C one day, considering how small and split the classic dev team is, I fear we're not going to get the proper C we seek. But not going too crazy with it. It's called CLASSIC still, not Retail minus or w/e, so no 20 retail abilities etc. And to add more NEW content. The entire point of a Classic is to expand on the world, map and zones. NOT just resued content or as the devs call it, "reimagined".

There are many empty spots in Vanilla world to expland on. Both quests zones, more NEW dungeons and ofc also continue its lore and so on.

tableslam: fresh vanilla to wrath progression servers with TBC and Wrath Era servers would make the most amount of people happy i think. when the fresh servers are set to progress into TBC, give players the option for free transfers to Vanilla Era if they don't want to continue into TBC. when the progression servers are set to progress into Wrath, give players the option for free transfers to TBC Era if they don't want to continue into Wrath. and then when that first round of progression servers reaches the end of Wrath, those servers just become the Wrath Era servers

Aveok: "There is absolutely nothing to spend you money on in the game aside from your subsciption..."

are you F kidding me?? 99% of all developers could easily would make a game running with the amount of cash Classic players bring alone. What are you talking about, not 1 single game on earth has such an easy income system as WoW for the developer. It only works on WoW!!

AlphaSmoke100: tbc and wrath era realms with no cash shop no token and pre nerf bosses and no nerfed attunements

eioneus: Actually, I just realized that the fresh server / character concept is EXACTLY how Diablo Seassons work since Diablo 3. So it is a no-brainer for them to do it and add a few modifiers per reset (like in diablo, already tested in SOD). I think it would be a very good move from Blizzard

UnchallengedGaming: Blizz just has to copy Turtle Wow for Vanilla changes, paladins having crusader strike, holy strike a taunt, mana from blocking.

Other class changes, new dungeons, raids, zones, tons of stuff

momomonstaa: I’d play. Count me in. Do it blizz.

clarksmith494: The only good version of wow is classic era, and its simply because its permanent. How have wow players not figured out yet that endlessly grinding and wiping is degrading?

Sep 29 2024

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